The Source; a Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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The Source; a Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through In the Gymnasium & King of the Jews, pp. 377-454.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Cullinane, the earliest people of Makor lived in what?
(a) Tents.
(b) Huts.
(c) Caves.
(d) Brick houses.

2. Cullinane and the staff begin digging at Makor hoping to find what, among other things?
(a) Crusader castle.
(b) Ancient pyramid.
(c) Lost city of Atlantis.
(d) Turkish minaret.

3. Leah, who is Zadok's daughter, wants to marry whom?
(a) Amalek's son Azani.
(b) Uriel's son Uriah.
(c) Uriel's son Zebion.
(d) Amalek's son Estanto.

4. Urbaal believes his statues were stolen by whom?
(a) Timna.
(b) Sumino.
(c) Amalek.
(d) Joktan.

5. How many people from Zadok's tribe have been chosen by El-Shadai to move west?
(a) Nine thousand.
(b) Seven hundred.
(c) Fifty-eight.
(d) Eleven.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does it take Gomer and her son to travel from Makor to Jerusalem?

2. In "The Old Man And His God," the author paints a picture of Makor during what time period?

3. As Cullinane starts working with his colleagues on the dig at Makor, he notes that everyone gets along so well and there is no animosity between who?

4. When Hoopoe is finished with his engineering projects, he lives out his days in Makor doing what?

5. As the book opens, Dr. John Cullinane arrives where?

(see the answer key)

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