The Source; a Novel Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Source; a Novel Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Psalm of the Hoopoe Bird, pp. 243-329.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. James Michener's historical novel, The Source, focuses on what geographical regions?
(a) Australia and Southeast Asia.
(b) Russia and the Far East.
(c) China and Northeast India.
(d) Israel and the Middle East.

2. Hoopoe tries to get permission from the governor of Makor to build what?
(a) Twenty-room mansion.
(b) Spiraling tower.
(c) Water system.
(d) Five-story temple.

3. Who is the first person to greet Dr. Cullinane when he arrives in Israel as the book opens?
(a) Bahai Solante.
(b) Carmel Tewfik.
(c) Mahmoud Akko.
(d) Jemail Tabari.

4. In "The Old Man And His God," the author paints a picture of Makor during what time period?
(a) 1019 C.E.
(b) 1419 B.C.E.
(c) 312 B.C.E.
(d) 42 C.E.

5. Why does Kerith express deep discontent to General Amram?
(a) He disagrees with the rulers of Jerusalem.
(b) She wants to return to Jerusalem.
(c) She wants to be free.
(d) He disagrees with the rulers of Makor.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Cullinane gives a preparatory lecture explaining plans and procedures to the staff at the dig before excavations begin, what does he do?

2. In addition to growing wheat, the earliest inhabitants of Makor learn to do what?

3. At the start of Dr. Cullinane's archaeological dig, how much funding has he already procured?

4. Why is one of the first inhabitants of Makor chasing bees?

5. Dr. Vered Bar-El is Israel's top expert in dating what?

(see the answer key)

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