The Source; a Novel Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Source; a Novel Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Law, pp. 509 - 601.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the earliest date that Makor hears about Jesus Christ and his crucifixion?
(a) 172 C.E.
(b) 31 C.E.
(c) 59 C.E.
(d) 238 C.E.

2. In the earliest days of Makor, the person who breaks the flint in his spear leads whom to a place where the stone is readily available?
(a) Thor and his daughter.
(b) Thurton and his wife.
(c) Ur and his son.
(d) Urbaal and his father.

3. In addition to growing wheat, the earliest inhabitants of Makor learn to do what?
(a) Build sailboats using balsa wood.
(b) Build homes near the well.
(c) Plant lettuce patches.
(d) Plant lemon trees.

4. Even though Yohanan wants his son Menahem to be a Jew, what do the rabbis tell him?
(a) He can choose to join the faith only after he spends twenty years studying.
(b) He can't be.
(c) One day he may be.
(d) He can choose to join the faith when he's twenty-one.

5. According to Cullinane, the earliest people of Makor lived in what?
(a) Tents.
(b) Caves.
(c) Brick houses.
(d) Huts.

Short Answer Questions

1. Gomer's son is forced to serve in the army of the _____.

2. Which god does Hoopoe primarily worship?

3. In the midst of writing about Makor's earliest inhabitants, the author jumps forward to the present. What does he say Cullinane is doing while Vered is in Chicago?

4. Why is Simeon against Yigal's plans to oppose the Romans?

5. Where do Yigal and his group go to in order to protest against the Romans to Petronius?

(see the answer key)

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