The Source; a Novel Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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The Source; a Novel Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Saintly Men of Safed, pp. 763-869.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hoopoe tries to get permission from the governor of Makor to build what?
(a) Five-story temple.
(b) Water system.
(c) Spiraling tower.
(d) Twenty-room mansion.

2. In the end, what does Petronius agree to with regard to the demands from Yigal and his group?
(a) He will send his troops to kill Yigal and his group.
(b) He will not raise taxes so long as the Jews work harder on the fields.
(c) He will resign his post without reaching a decision and move to Greece.
(d) He will not deliver the statues so long as the Jews go back home.

3. After sailing for Salonica in 1541 before the Inquisition reaches Italy, where do Rabbi Zaki and his family ultimately settle?
(a) Antioch.
(b) Safed.
(c) Tarsus.
(d) Akka.

4. After Rabbi Zaki's wife Rachel dies in Safed, who does he end up marrying?
(a) Johana, sister of Rabbi Eliezer.
(b) Analisa, sister of Dr. Abulafia.
(c) Elisheba, daughter of Rabbi Eliezer.
(d) Mariana, daughter of Dr. Abulafia.

5. What does Dr. Abulafia do in Tunis?
(a) Divorces his wife.
(b) Fakes his own murder.
(c) Kills an Inquisitor.
(d) Becomes a priest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Kerith?

2. After Roman armies overtake the town of Makor, what happens to its Jewish residents?

3. Which god does Hoopoe primarily worship?

4. What type of work do Rabbi Zaki's wife and daughters do in Safed?

5. Why does Dr. Abulafia leave Spain?

(see the answer key)

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