The Sorrows of Young Werther Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sorrows of Young Werther Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What vision is Werther constantly haunted by, as related in the letter of December 6?
(a) A weapon in his own hand.
(b) A dead man.
(c) Lotte's figure.
(d) Fire and brimstone.

2. What is the gift Werther receives in the letter of April 19?
(a) Two strong stallions.
(b) A gold ring.
(c) A glowing recommendation.
(d) Twenty-five ducats.

3. Who does Werther meet on his walk, as related in the letter of November 30?
(a) An elderly gentleman.
(b) A madman.
(c) A small child.
(d) A young girl.

4. What does Werther often wish would happen to him, as related in numerous letters?
(a) That he would duel with Albert.
(b) That he would travel more.
(c) That he would die.
(d) That he would marry any girl.

5. At the beginning of Book Two, who employs Werther?
(a) A count.
(b) A prince.
(c) An ambassador.
(d) An estate manager.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which town does Werther visit, as related in the letter of May 5?

2. What troubling news does Werther hear at Lotte's home, according to the Editor?

3. What recent event, related in the letter of September 15, makes Werther both angry and sad?

4. What sight causes Werther to weep profusely, as related in the letter of December 4?

5. In the letter of December 24. Werther mentions a woman who brags about her social station. What is her social status?

Short Essay Questions

1. Summarize Werther's thoughts on the relationship between contentment and reason, as expressed in the letter of November 30.

2. What are Werther's general views on religion, as expressed in several letters?

3. What has caused the man Werther meets in the letter of November 30 to act the way he does?

4. What does Werther do during the flood of the river near Wahlheim, and why is this episode significant?

5. How does Werther react to inadvertently catching a glimpse of Lotte's wedding ring, as related in the letter of December 4?

6. What disturbing news regarding the farmer-boy shocks Werther, and how does he react?

7. Who does Werther meet while walking along the water's edge in Wahlheim, what is the person doing, and what does this person look like, as related in the letter of November 30?

8. Summarize the final interaction between Werther and Lotte.

9. Describe the Prince and why Werther is involved with him.

10. How does Werther react to reading Ossian, as related in the letter of October 12?

(see the answer keys)

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