The Sorrows of Young Werther Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sorrows of Young Werther Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of Book Two, who employs Werther?
(a) A count.
(b) An estate manager.
(c) An ambassador.
(d) A prince.

2. To what does Werther compare himself at the end of the letter of November 30?
(a) To the prodigal son.
(b) To the traitorous Brutus.
(c) To a brave soldier.
(d) To a sick child.

3. What subject is Werther's employer continuously harping on?
(a) History.
(b) Grammar.
(c) Politics.
(d) Morality.

4. What is the surprise Werther receives from Lotte and Albert in the letter of February 20?
(a) An invitation to join them as they travel.
(b) The news of their marriage.
(c) A gift for his birthday.
(d) The news of one of Lotte's siblings' deaths.

5. What does Werther continually assert in the letter of March 15 about his social faux pas?
(a) That he got pleasure out of others' discomfort.
(b) That he intended to push the boundaries all along.
(c) That the thought of it never entered his mind.
(d) That he was in the right, and others were wrong.

6. Whom does Werther blame for his irritation with his current employment?
(a) Count C.
(b) Wilhelm.
(c) His employer.
(d) Albert.

7. In the letter of October 20, what does Werther assert gives us "a genuine sense of ourselves?"
(a) To blend into the crowd.
(b) To fall behind one's peers.
(c) To be absolutely unique and different.
(d) To keep pace with or surpass others.

8. What action does Werther take upon confirming the alarming news he heard at Lotte's home?
(a) Werther leaves Wahlheim in grief.
(b) Werther defends the murderer.
(c) Werther vows to aid in Albert's recovery.
(d) Werther helps nurse Lotte back to health.

9. Whom does Werther blame for his sorrows in the letter of November 3?
(a) Lotte.
(b) Himself.
(c) Wilhelm.
(d) Albert.

10. What social faux pas does Werther commit in the letter of March 15?
(a) He accidentally insults a fine lady.
(b) He arrives under-dressed for a formal occasion.
(c) He refuses to bow to the Prince.
(d) He socializes with those above him in rank.

11. According to Werther in the letter of October 20, upon what do happiness or misery depend?
(a) Upon one's ethic of hard work.
(b) Upon the people with whom one associates.
(c) Upon the things in one's environment.
(d) Upon one's faith in God.

12. What does Werther find admirable about the farmer-boy?
(a) His intelligence and quickness.
(b) His solemn and reserved demeanor.
(c) His love and constancy.
(d) His plucky spirit.

13. Who tells Werther in the letter of March 16 that his recent disgrace has negatively affected them as well?
(a) Adelin.
(b) Miss von B.
(c) Lotte.
(d) Wilhelm.

14. What instrument does Lotte play, as related in the letter of December 4?
(a) The clarinet.
(b) The flute.
(c) The violin.
(d) The piano.

15. Who gives Werther a special gift, related in the letter of April 19?
(a) The crown Prince.
(b) The Ambassador.
(c) Count C.
(d) Miss von B.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Werther find trying about his employer?

2. What event does Werther inadvertently attend, as related in the letter of March 15?

3. What dream does Werther relate to Wilhelm in the letter of December 16?

4. As of November 30, Werther feels he is not destined to:

5. In his letter of December 21, what does Werther tell Lotte he is "resolved" to do?

(see the answer keys)

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