The Sorceress Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sorceress Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Josh realize they must do despite the help that arrives?
(a) Stand and fight.
(b) Surrender.
(c) Leave the injured Nicholas and Gilgamesh behind.
(d) Get back in the car and flee.

2. Who comes out of the shadows where Machiavelli is located?
(a) The Sphinx.
(b) Ayala.
(c) The Archon.
(d) John Dee.

3. How are Sophie's tears described?
(a) As if backlit.
(b) As silver.
(c) As transparent gold colored.
(d) As jet black.

4. Who is St. Germaine's wife?
(a) Perenelle's younger sister Gretchen.
(b) Nicholas' sister Mathelide.
(c) Hilda.
(d) Joan of Arch.

5. What happens right after Josh falls towards the blue water?
(a) He becomes a swan.
(b) He wakes.
(c) He turns the water to air.
(d) He changes into an eagle.

6. Why are St. Germaine and two others going to Alcatraz?
(a) To free Perenelle.
(b) To find John Dee's scrying ball.
(c) To consult Perenelle.
(d) To kill the mythical creatures.

7. How does Josh react to Gilgamesh's first teaching?
(a) He cries.
(b) He grows dizzy and nauseous.
(c) He tries to attack Gilgamesh.
(d) He feels powerful.

8. How does Nicholas realize there is an intruder?
(a) An orange glow.
(b) A strange noise.
(c) A red glow.
(d) A strange smell.

9. What do Palamedes and Nicholas decide to start immediately?
(a) Lay several false trails.
(b) Call Dee and try to arrange a meeting.
(c) Sending out a call for their confederates to gather.
(d) The twins' training with Gilgamesh.

10. What does Palamedes worry about concerning Clarent?
(a) John Dee could summon it.
(b) Nicholas could wield it.
(c) It will answer Excalibur's call.
(d) Josh will be unable to relinquish the sword.

11. What heals Dee?
(a) Cernunnos.
(b) Putting Clarent and Excalibur together.
(c) Bastet.
(d) The energy from the ley lines.

12. What does Josh watch flood?
(a) The trough which Gilgamesh is filling.
(b) The pond after a heavy rain.
(c) A jug which Sophie is filling.
(d) The continents.

13. What does Machiavelli hear as they are following the Crow Goddess?
(a) The caw of millions of crows.
(b) The sound of a boat motor.
(c) The roar of large animals.
(d) The cries of the Alcatraz ghosts.

14. What does Josh observe?
(a) The black streak in Gilgamesh's aura.
(b) The power of water from above.
(c) The way fire magic is delayed magic.
(d) The way Gilgamesh interlaces different aspects of magic.

15. Where do the twins and Gilagamesh go in Chapter 54?
(a) A small park on a lake.
(b) The barn.
(c) A windmill.
(d) A castle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is left behind in the field as Nicholas and the others make their escape?

2. Who is Francis?

3. What does Sohpie fear losing to the witch?

4. When does the king say real death occurs?

5. For what is Perenelle anxiously awaiting?

(see the answer keys)

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