The Song of the Lark Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Song of the Lark Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When do Thea and Ottenburg leave the ranch?
(a) The first of December.
(b) The first of January.
(c) The first of September.
(d) The first of February.

2. Who sings with Thea back at Johnny's house?
(a) No one; she does a few solo performance.
(b) Wunsch.
(c) The visiting Mexican folklore singing troupe.
(d) Johnny.

3. Who helps Archie with his work and his house?
(a) No one..
(b) Three Japanese boys.
(c) Three Italian boys.
(d) The three kids he has with his new girlfriend.

4. Where is the first place Thea is staying when she decides she needs to look for a new room?
(a) The mayor's house.
(b) Bowers' house.
(c) The Studio Club.
(d) In a fancy bed and breakfast.

5. How does Archie become wealthy?
(a) He wins the lottery.
(b) One of his mines produces a lot of silver.
(c) He is a doctor, and doctors naturally make a lot of money.
(d) He saves a lot of money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Thea think of her time in Chicago as she is en route to the Ottenburg Ranch?

2. Where does Spanish Johnny wait for Thea after her performance?

3. Which of Bowers' students does Thea dislike the most?

4. Who is Jasper Flight?

5. What does Bowers notice about Thea when he sees her singing with Ottenburg?

Short Essay Questions

1. What epiphany does Thea have on music and water while at Ottenburg Ranch?

2. Why does Thea refuse to take money from Ottenburg?

3. Why does Thea move around so much when she returns to Chicago from her summer visit to Moonstone?

4. What does Archie reminisce as the best two times of his life?

5. What happens to Thea's father?

6. How does Archie react when he sees Thea after her performance in New York?

7. How does Thea feel about her family when she returns to Chicago after spending the summer with them?

8. What is different for Thea about the Mexican ball?

9. How does Thea help herself fall asleep the night before her big performance?

10. What key piece of information does Cather insert into Tillie's recollection about her time in Kansas City with Thea?

(see the answer keys)

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