The Song of Achilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Song of Achilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Deidameia planning to go to, from her home?
(a) To Phthia to move in with Peleus.
(b) To visit relatives in Aulis.
(c) To Troy to take care of Helen.
(d) Into confinement to give birth to Achilles’ child.

2. Who does Thetis say must die before Achilles can be killed?
(a) Patroclus
(b) Hector.
(c) Agamemnon.
(d) Sarpedon.

3. Who tells Patroclus where Achilles has been taken, when he disappears after their intimacies?
(a) Phoinix.
(b) Peleus.
(c) Chiron.
(d) Thetis.

4. How does Deidameia compel Patroclus to make love to her?
(a) She invokes his parents and recalls times when she visited his childhood home.
(b) She offers to claim that Achilles’ baby is his.
(c) She seduces him with dancing and singing.
(d) She threatens to call the guards and say he attacked her if he does not.

5. What does Patroclus take with him when he leaves Phthia?
(a) His mother’s lyre.
(b) Gold from Peleus’ stores.
(c) Only his tunic and sandals.
(d) Food and a knife.

6. Who does Odysseus claim as a bride?
(a) Penelope.
(b) Clytemnestra.
(c) Deidameia.
(d) Helen.

7. After Achilles and Patroclus turn 16, what question does Achilles ask his mother?
(a) Whether she can see them with Chiron.
(b) Whether Patroclus can become immortal.
(c) How he will die.
(d) When Patroclus will die.

8. How does Patroclus describe Achilles’ lips?
(a) Fat like bees.
(b) Dry like almonds.
(c) Juicy like grapes.
(d) Round like lemons.

9. Where does Patroclus see Achilles for the first time?
(a) At Tyndareus’ house.
(b) In Troy.
(c) In Peleus’ house.
(d) At the Olympic games.

10. How does Patroclus learn to discern Thetis’ visits?
(a) By the sound of her footsteps.
(b) By the sound of crashing waves.
(c) By the silence.
(d) By the dimming of the light.

11. How does Thetis change Achilles’ appearance when he returns to Phthia?
(a) She makes him larger and more resplendent.
(b) She hides him from the people who will hate him.
(c) She makes him smaller and harder to envy.
(d) She cloaks him in light.

12. Who does Tyndareus’ daughter choose as a husband?
(a) Patroclus.
(b) Diomedes.
(c) Odysseus.
(d) Menelaus.

13. How does Achilles treat Deidameia?
(a) He ignores her utterly.
(b) He flirts with her attention.
(c) He fawns over her.
(d) He shows great devotion to her.

14. What color cloak does Achilles wear when he leaves for Troy?
(a) Purple.
(b) Crimson.
(c) White.
(d) Gold.

15. Why does Peleus take in exiled boys?
(a) To give as gifts to kings.
(b) To work his fields.
(c) To provide for his people.
(d) To make an army.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Patroclus most interested in learning from Chiron?

2. What does Patroclus tell Lycomedes his name is?

3. What are Deidameia’s women famous for?

4. What color sails are flying on the ship that comes to Achilles and Patroclus?

5. What does Patroclus’ father tell him about Achilles?

(see the answer keys)

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