The Son of Good Fortune Test | Final Test - Medium

Lysley Tenorio
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Son of Good Fortune Test | Final Test - Medium

Lysley Tenorio
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 20, how old is Jerry Borger?
(a) 57.
(b) 63.
(c) 55.
(d) 61.

2. In Chapter 28, where does Excel talk to Sab?
(a) Target.
(b) Cemetery.
(c) Roof.
(d) Cafe.

3. In Chapter 16, why did Sab want to go back to Colma?
(a) To get clothes.
(b) To get her father's picture.
(c) Get her mother's picture.
(d) She was tired of Hello City.

4. In Chapter 29, what is Excel wearing?
(a) Button-down shirt and khakis.
(b) Button-down shirt and new jeans.
(c) Polo shirt and corduroy pants.
(d) Polo shirt and new jeans.

5. In Chapter 28, what does Sab say that the temperature was when she left Hello City?
(a) 103.
(b) 102.
(c) 104.
(d) 101.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Maxima and Excel split in the food ourt at the airport in Chapter 30?

2. What is the time difference between the Philippines and California?

3. In Chapter 16, when did Excel remember trick-or-treating once?

4. In Chapter 26, who told Excel that he needed to leave Hello City?

5. How long are flights from San Francisco to Belgrade, Serbia?

Short Essay Questions

1. Before Jerry sends $15,000, what does Jerry want to do in Chapter 27?

2. What do Jerry, Maxima, and Excel do when they meet in San Francisco?

3. What story does Excel tell Maxima about needing money in Chapter 18?

4. In Chapter 25, why does Excel feel like two separate people living in two different times and places?

5. Why does Gunter refuse to pay Excel in Chapter 17, and how does Excel protest?

6. How was Excel born?

7. In Chapter 18 what does Excel send Sab?

8. What did Excel help Red do in Chapter 16?

9. How does Sab feel when she receives the care package from Excel?

10. How does Excel send Z back to Serbia?

(see the answer keys)

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