The Solace of Open Spaces Test | Final Test - Easy

Gretel Ehrlich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Solace of Open Spaces Test | Final Test - Easy

Gretel Ehrlich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the only things that Gretel could see when she arrived in Wyoming?
(a) White peaks and black sky.
(b) Black sky and valleys.
(c) White peaks and cornfields.
(d) White peaks and valleys.

2. Why did Gretel believe that cowboys were "strong and silent"?
(a) Because that was their personality.
(b) Because they had no one to talk to.
(c) Because they were lonely.
(d) Because they didn't like people.

3. What event did Gretel meet her husband at?
(a) Rodeo.
(b) Grocery store.
(c) Cowboy Film Festival.
(d) John Wayne Film Festival.

4. What animal visited Gretel's sheep camp every night?
(a) Hyenas.
(b) Mountain lion.
(c) Bear.
(d) Bobcat.

5. What did Gretel say she gained from winter?
(a) A renewed sense of wonder.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Appreciativeness.
(d) Peripheral vision.

6. In what year did Gretel first arrive in Wyoming?
(a) 1979.
(b) 1977.
(c) 1978.
(d) 1976.

7. According to Gretel what did courage mean on a ranch?
(a) Having common sense.
(b) Acting spontaneously.
(c) Having physical vigor.
(d) Acting maternal.

8. How long is the irrigating season in Wyoming?
(a) 3 months.
(b) 4 months.
(c) 5 months.
(d) 6 months.

9. What did old timer's say storms were announced by?
(a) Mare's tails.
(b) A change in body temperature.
(c) Howling wind.
(d) A warning by dogs.

10. How often did the dams have to be changed?
(a) Every 10 hours.
(b) Every 8 hours.
(c) Every 12 hours.
(d) Every 6 hours.

11. What did Gretel say made Westerners distrustful of outsiders?
(a) Their patronizing attitude toward animals.
(b) Their condescending attitude.
(c) Their unappreciative attitude of nature.
(d) Their lack of understanding.

12. What was a mother cow's job on a ranch?
(a) To provide fur.
(b) To provide milk.
(c) To provide food.
(d) To have babies.

13. What did Gretel previously do in her sleep?
(a) Have nightmares.
(b) Have dreams.
(c) Toss and turn.
(d) Walk.

14. Why did Gretel originally go to Wyoming?
(a) To film a documentary.
(b) To become a rancher.
(c) To escape her life.
(d) To become a sheep herder.

15. What did Gretel encounter up the valley when she was herding?
(a) Quick sand.
(b) Flooding.
(c) Fenced in oil spills.
(d) Huge mud puddles.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Gretel look for when she was in New York and missing Wyoming?

2. According to Gretel what could a daily chore grow into?

3. What was the name of a neighboring rancher who was in his seventies?

4. What happened if a ranch animal didn't do their job?

5. What direction did the doors of Gretel's wagon face?

(see the answer keys)

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