The Society of the Spectacle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Society of the Spectacle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the pilot product of the first stage of commodity abundance, according to Chapter 7?
(a) The washer.
(b) The printing press.
(c) The train.
(d) The automobile.

2. What kind of religion was a compromise between myth and history, according to Debord?
(a) Monotheistic.
(b) Agnostic.
(c) Polytheistic.
(d) Aetheistic.

3. The development of ___________ created a unified history devoid of real time in Chapter 5.
(a) Facism.
(b) Socialism.
(c) Capitalism.
(d) Communism.

4. Debord characterizes time in a classless society as being what?
(a) Boring.
(b) Playful.
(c) Useless.
(d) Powerful.

5. The creation of the pseudo community goes right into the heart of the _______ in Chapter 7.
(a) Religious power.
(b) Political wealth.
(c) Urban center.
(d) Family cell.

6. Who does Debord believe urbanism effectively and dangerously masses together?
(a) The army.
(b) The bourgeoisie.
(c) The workers.
(d) The power.

7. What was the first ruling class for which labor was a value, according to Chapter 5?
(a) Political kings.
(b) Ancient Romans.
(c) Bourgeoisie.
(d) Royalty.

8. What does Debord say planned environments have created?
(a) Royalty.
(b) Artificial peasantry.
(c) Unity.
(d) Classless society.

9. In spectacular society, ___________ of time gives way to real time, according to Chapter 6.
(a) Advertisements.
(b) Representations.
(c) Promises.
(d) Illusions.

10. Debord considers _______ and surrealism to be the theoretical endpoint for Art.
(a) Baroque.
(b) Dadaism.
(c) Impressionism.
(d) Minimalism.

11. What does Debord believe is ever-present in the process of the production of things?
(a) Technology.
(b) Need.
(c) Innovation.
(d) Desire.

12. How many hours a day does Debord estimate Americans spend watching television?
(a) 1 to 3.
(b) 2 to 4.
(c) 6 to 9.
(d) 3 to 6.

13. What does Ruge doubt he will see in his lifetime?
(a) Political revolution.
(b) Production equlity.
(c) Bourgeoisie power.
(d) Society of the spectacle.

14. What does Debord believe is the star commodity in the society of the spectacle?
(a) Media.
(b) Technology.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Culture.

15. Where was universal history born, according to Chapter 7?
(a) In dark corners.
(b) In kingdoms.
(c) In cities.
(d) In countries.

Short Answer Questions

1. Chapter 7 starts with a quote by _________.

2. In thesis 173, who is architecture now being specifically created for?

3. What is the most important unit in the packaged commodity of time, according to Debord?

4. Debord sees the proletarian revolution as the critique of ________.

5. What is a necessary part of an abundant society, according to Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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