The Snows of Kilimanjaro Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Snows of Kilimanjaro Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Harry scratched himself where on his body, leading to his current condition?
(a) His right knee
(b) His left knee
(c) His right hand
(d) His left elbow

2. What drinks do Harry and his companion have after she’s returned from hunting in the evening?
(a) Manhattans
(b) Whiskey-sodas
(c) Rum-sodas
(d) Gin-and-gingers

3. The narrator says of Harry in the beginning of the story that “he had no pain and with the pain the horror had gone and all he felt now was a great tiredness and” what?
(a) Irritation that he had to wait
(b) Apathy about going on
(c) Anger that this was the end of it
(d) Sorrow for all his mistakes

4. What drink does Harry ask the African servant to bring him in the beginning of the story?
(a) Ginger ale
(b) Lemonade
(c) Rum and soda
(d) Whiskey-soda

5. Where is “that old bastard” from that Harry describes as having beaten the chore boy in Harry’s memories of the ranch?
(a) The Forks
(b) The Canyons
(c) The Willows
(d) The Prairies

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what does the narrator say Harry had sold “in one form or another, all his life and when your affections are not too involved you give much better value for the money”?

2. Where was Tristan Tzara born?

3. When Harry begins dictating to his companion, he describes a log house, chinked with what on a hill above the lake?

4. In one flashback, Harry recalls “the man who had the fox to sell when they had walked into” what town?

5. In Harry’s flashback to the fighting in Anatolia, the narrator remarks, “That was the day he'd first seen dead men wearing white ballet skirts and upturned shoes with” what on them?

Short Essay Questions

1. While his companion is out hunting, Harry considers her character. How does Harry perceive the woman he’s with in this section?

2. How are Harry’s memories in the story related to the image depicted in the author’s preface?

3. When Harry “returns” from his first reverie into his past, what comments does he make to his female companion?

4. What similar conditions does the protagonist of “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” have with the author of the story?

5. What was Harry doing when he became scratched by a thorn in the story? What is ironic about this situation and Harry’s ensuing ailment?

6. How does Harry’s behavior toward the woman progress as he drinks before falling asleep in the narrative?

7. What information is related to the reader in the author’s brief preface prior to the opening of the story?

8. What are the details of the letter Harry recalls sending to New York in the story?

9. How are the “real world” and “dream world” differentiated through the narrative style at the ending of the story?

10. How is Harry’s physical condition described in the beginning of the story? What thoughts consume Harry regarding his condition in the beginning of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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