The Snowman: A Harry Hole Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Jo Nesbo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Snowman: A Harry Hole Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Jo Nesbo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Harry believe he may not have adrenaline as he pursues Mathias in Chapter 36?
(a) Because he knows he will prevail.
(b) Because of his amulet.
(c) Because he will die soon.
(d) Because he has a good plan.

2. With whom does the psychiatrist discuss Katrine's condition in Chapter 32?
(a) Knut Müller-Nilsen and Espen Lepsvik.
(b) Jack Halvorsen and Rakel Fauke.
(c) Bjørn Holm and Jonas Becker.
(d) Idar Vetlesen and Ellen Gjelten.

3. What did Arve pass to Birte when he met her?
(a) His watch.
(b) His business card.
(c) His ring.
(d) His yellow jacket.

4. Why did the boys tease Mathias and throw snowballs at him when he was a boy?
(a) Because he was a paraplegic.
(b) Because he was short.
(c) Because he had no nipples.
(d) Because he had white hair.

5. Where is Mathias sitting when Harry finds him in Chapter 36?
(a) An open window.
(b) The edge of a cliff.
(c) A church pew.
(d) A riverside.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who in Mathias's family did his mother claim had the same hereditary condition as him?

2. What does Mathias try to get Harry to do when they face off in Chapter 36?

3. How long after Filip and Birte had sex for the first time did she tell him she was pregnant?

4. What was Mathias's objective for building a snowman in Chapter 33?

5. Who from the missing persons division came to Eli's home to investigate her disappearance in Chapter 28?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Harry realize as the stem for his depression in Chapter 30?

2. What connection did Idar have to Arve?

3. What does Harry discover at the Anatomy Department in Chapter 32?

4. What does Harry find in Katrine's office in Chapter 24?

5. Why does Harry refuse to shoot Mathias in Chapter 36?

6. How do Harry and Bjørn manage to save Arve in Chapter 26?

7. Why is the turned-over board by the mold man important to the story?

8. Why does Aune complain about the Snowman case in Chapter 38?

9. How does Mathias manage to get into Rakel's home in Chapter 35? What does he do when he gets inside?

10. What motive does Harry accuse Arve of having for the murders in Chapter 26?

(see the answer keys)

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