The Snow Leopard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Snow Leopard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Matthiessen's group believe that they can finally continue their journey again?
(a) The arrival of ponies.
(b) The arrival of food.
(c) The arrival of peace.
(d) The sun coming out.

2. What does Schaller tell Matthiessen is good for him to carry because of changing weather and winds?
(a) His GPS unit.
(b) His sleeping bag.
(c) His jacket.
(d) His cellular phone.

3. What book does Matthiessen read?
(a) The Bible.
(b) The Bhagavad Gita.
(c) The Torah.
(d) The Tibetan Book of the Dead.

4. What keeps delaying the trip for Matthiessen's group that cannot be prevented?
(a) Broken paths.
(b) Rain.
(c) Government red tape.
(d) Lack of food.

5. What two conditions make some of the sherpas and porters turn back and return home?
(a) Fear and loathing.
(b) Hunger and exhaustion.
(c) Snow blindness and bloody feet.
(d) Cold and thirst.

6. Why does Matthiessen have wet and cold feet?
(a) He has blisters and is wearing sneakers.
(b) He fell asleep in the bathtub.
(c) He got stuck in a thunderstorm.
(d) He climbed a wall barefoot.

7. What do Matthiessen and Schaller discuss at length?
(a) Religion.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Death.
(d) Sex.

8. What is a precious commodity in this mountainous Southeast Asian country that people use for fuel?
(a) Water.
(b) Firewood.
(c) Petroleum.
(d) Solar energy.

9. What medical emergency does Schaller fear could stop their journey?
(a) A ruptured appendix.
(b) A heart attack.
(c) A fractured limb.
(d) A case of dysentery.

10. When does the story of "The Snow Leopard" begin?
(a) October 1975.
(b) September 1973.
(c) June 1986.
(d) April 1972.

11. What do the citizens of the mountainous Southeast Asian country mentioned in "The Snow Leopard" burn for fuel that leaves the soil malnourished?
(a) Their compost.
(b) Livestock dung.
(c) The surface vegetation.
(d) Firewood.

12. Where do Matthiessen and Schaller meet to begin their journey?
(a) Kathmandu.
(b) Shey.
(c) New Delhi.
(d) London.

13. What does a Tibetan say is treacherous and filled with snow?
(a) Black Canyon.
(b) Jang Pass.
(c) Shey.
(d) Khyber Pass.

14. When is the perfect time to travel and for harvesting potatoes, according to Matthiessen?
(a) October.
(b) July.
(c) January.
(d) March.

15. What tests the patience of Matthiessen's group again and again?
(a) Quarrelsome leaders.
(b) Rain.
(c) Mosquitoes.
(d) Stealing sherpas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Matthiessen and Schaller afraid of after they talk to the Tibetan guide who tells them that they need government permits?

2. What does Schaller leave behind for Matthiessen?

3. What does Matthiessen's group have to cross on their way up the canyon?

4. A snow leopard weighs about _____________ pounds.

5. Who/what is Matthiessen's group afraid of meeting when they take a new path to the north up the Kali Gandaki?

(see the answer keys)

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