The Sleepwalkers Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sleepwalkers Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Godicke listening to when he laughs in Part Three, Chapter XXXVI?
(a) He's listening to August make a joke.
(b) He's listening to Joachim's speech.
(c) He's listening to four women and Major Kuhlenbeck.
(d) He'l listening to August and Huguenau argue.

2. What book of the Bible is read at the Bible study reading?
(a) The Book of Mathew.
(b) The Book of Acts.
(c) Revelations.
(d) The Book of Job.

3. What does Huguenau think of Mother Hentjen physically?
(a) He thinks she's beautiful.
(b) He thinks her feet are too big.
(c) He thinks she is tall for a woman.
(d) He thinks she is broad-hipped and devoid of sex.

4. What does the smell of the dishwater remind Huguenau of?
(a) His first lover.
(b) His maid.
(c) Prison.
(d) His parents' house.

5. In Part Three, Chapter LIII, what is Marie's story about?
(a) Fire.
(b) Opposing religions.
(c) Marriage.
(d) A man who receives bad news.

Short Answer Questions

1. What service must Mother Hentjen perform for Huguenau as part of the agreement for the sale of the paper?

2. What does Bertrand question in Part Three, Chapter LXXII?

3. What does Bertrand call Sussin?

4. Why do Huguenau and August stop arguing in Part Three, Chapter LXXV?

5. In Part Three, Chapter XLIX, what does Dr. Litwak call Marie?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Godicke and Samwauld become friends?

2. How does the author compare a criminal to an honest citizen?

3. What do the doctors and Joachim disagree over in Part Three, Chapter XXXIX?

4. When Hanna thinks about the approaching end of her husband's leave, how does she feel?

5. Why does Huguenau joke about August going into a monastery?.

6. How does Huguenau expect Joachim to feel after receiving his secret report?

7. In Part Three, Chapter LXII, what does the essay have to do with the plot and what is it about?

8. How does Huguenau feel about Joachim's interest in August?

9. What does August ask Joachim in Part Three, Chapter LIV?

10. What does Joachim think when he sees Huguenau dancing?

(see the answer keys)

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