The Skylight Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 56 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Skylight Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 56 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the person who has the double front room with private bath spend winters?
(a) Palm Beach.
(b) Miami.
(c) Tampa.
(d) Fort Lauderdale.

2. Who does Miss Leeson say she is not when Mrs. Parker shows her the second-floor-back room?
(a) Hetty.
(b) Phoebe.
(c) Violet.
(d) Mabel.

3. How does Miss Leeson describe herself?
(a) A poor working girl.
(b) A typist.
(c) Down on her luck.
(d) A stenographer.

4. What is the second room that Mrs. Parker shows prospective renters?
(a) Second-floor-front.
(b) First-floor-east.
(c) First-floor-west.
(d) Second-floor-back.

5. What does Mr. Skidder do after a prospective renter looks at his room?
(a) Yells at Mrs. Parker.
(b) Throws things.
(c) Stomps off to the park.
(d) Pays something on his rent.

6. How much did Mr. Toosenberry pay for the second-floor-back room?
(a) $10.
(b) $11.
(c) $9.
(d) $12.

7. What is the first area Mrs. Parker shows prospective renters?
(a) West wing.
(b) 1st floor.
(c) 2nd floor.
(d) Double parlors.

8. Who is Clara?
(a) Chinese maid.
(b) French maid.
(c) "Colored" maid.
(d) "Indian" maid.

9. How much does Clara say it costs to rent the Skylight Room?
(a) $2.50.
(b) $1.
(c) $2.
(d) $1.50.

10. What city was the place where Mr. Toosenberry went to work?
(a) Palm Beach.
(b) Dade City.
(c) Ruskin.
(d) Clermont.

11. What does Miss Leeson bring when she looks for a room?
(a) Suitcase.
(b) Satchel.
(c) Valise.
(d) Typewriter.

12. What word is used to describe Mrs. Parker as she take you to see rooms?
(a) Escort.
(b) Cicerone.
(c) Agent.
(d) Guide.

13. How does Miss Leeson smile when she looks at the lambrequins?
(a) Like a sprite.
(b) Like cherubs do.
(c) Like angels do.
(d) Like saints do.

14. How is the 4th floor accessed?
(a) Circular stairwell.
(b) Carpeted ladder.
(c) Pull-down steps.
(d) Step ladder.

15. What is every prospective tenant supposed to admire in Mr. Skidder's room?
(a) Roman shades.
(b) Paintings on the wall.
(c) Lambrequins.
(d) Mouldings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is used for clothing storage in the Skylight Room?

2. What type of room does Mr. Skidder have?

3. Who has the double front room with private bath?

4. What state did Mr. Toosenberry go to work in?

5. Who did Mr. Toosenberry go to work with when he left Mrs. Parker's?

(see the answer keys)

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