The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Final Test - Hard

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Final Test - Hard

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom does Volmaro say he had made an agreement about the book?

2. Why does the Bishop reprimand Margot?

3. Where do Margot and Sandro go to eat after visiting Volmaro?

4. When does Margot plan to return to the United States?

5. What does Sandro offer Margot?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Margot ask Sandro as far as their visit to Volmaro and what is his reply?

2. What does Margot decide about leaving Florence and then what makes her change her decision?

3. What has Margot done to restore Aretino?

4. Relate Sandro's story about his love for a movie star when he was young.

5. How does Margot act after Sandro has moved back to Rome?

6. What does Margot send to the Bishop and how does she convince him that it is Aretino?

7. What does Sandro think about as he looks at Margot as they are riding in a taxi in Chapter 14?

8. Describe Margot's meeting with the Bishop.

9. What do the judges decide about Sandro's annulment application?

10. How does Sandro's feelings change from the time of entering the annulment proceedings to after meeting with the judges?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The abbess challenges Margot to define which vow is the hardest to keep. The abbess gives the answer as obedience.

1. Which vow--poverty, chastity or obedience do you think would be most difficult to keep? Why?

2. Do you think taking vows for life is realistic--whether it's for a religious order or marriage? Is it serious to break a vow? What if you change and no longer believe the church's doctrine? Do you keep your vows no matter what?

3. Jesus, who is the one the Christians center their religion around, said in a book of the Christian's New Testament (Matthew 5:34): to swear no vows. Why do you think the Christian religious orders swear vows? Is this a paradox? Do you think vows are necessary to keep someone in the religious order? If someone doesn't want to be there, why would a vow keep them? Discuss these questions/ideas thoroughly.

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the following:

1. Define irony in literary terms. Discuss the irony of the situation whereby Alessandro pleads impotence as a reason for the annulment from his wife, then he is actually impotent with his lover, Margot. What are three other examples of irony in The Sixteen Pleasures? How does irony create a more complex plot? More complex characters? Does irony create a more interesting story? Why or why not.

2. Define symbolism in literary terms. Discuss the use of and meaning of five symbols found in The Sixteen Pleasures.

3. Discuss the use of foreshadowing in literature. What is the purpose of foreshadowing? Cite four examples of foreshadowing and how it is used to indicate events to come in The Sixteen Pleasures. How do you feel as a reader if you think something is foreshadowed that is never addressed in the story? How do you feel as a reader if a major event occurs with no hint of it whatsoever earlier?

Essay Topic 3

Margot learns about the inner workings of the convent and its vast land holdings as well as the politics of the church. Discuss the following:

1. Discuss the idea of a church holding great wealth. Do you think a church should have a great deal of wealth, or should it be spending everything to help people to have better lives? Why would a church hold on to its wealth rather than distributing it?

2. Discuss the paradox of the words, "In God We Trust" appearing on paper currency in the United States.

3. The Bishop, who has taken a vow of poverty, is quite concerned with controlling the assets of the convent. Who do you think should control the convent's assets? Do you think the Bishop has the convent's best interests at heart? Why or why not.


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