The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is going to help Margot with finishing Aretino?
(a) Signor Alessandro.
(b) No one.
(c) The Professor.
(d) Signor Cecchi.

2. What do the judges take seriously?
(a) The Bishop's accusation of theft.
(b) The Bishop's desire to close the convent.
(c) A request for annulment.
(d) The accusation of attempted murder against Margot.

3. How does Margot create income for herself?
(a) Painting tourists' pictures.
(b) Working in a small cafe.
(c) Working with students in Certosa.
(d) Photographing tourists.

4. Why is Sandro declaring he is impotent?
(a) In order to obtain an annulment.
(b) To challenge a paternity suit.
(c) So Margot will not be hurt when he leaves her.
(d) To fool his wife.

5. Who is Volmaro?
(a) The rare book dealer.
(b) The taxi driver who offers a solution to water damage.
(c) The head judge on Sandro's annulment proceedings.
(d) The curator of Southby's auction.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sandro think about the day so far after he and Margot are done eating?

2. Who does not want a visit from the priest?

3. What does Father Francisco make clear to everyone?

4. What concerns Sister Gemma?

5. About what does Volmaro say he is being generous?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Sandro shock Margot a couple weeks after the fresco removal?

2. What does Sandro think about his day so far as he and Margot are eating at a Chinese restaurant?

3. How does Margot act after Sandro has moved back to Rome?

4. What is Father Francisco's directive concerning the nuns disturbing him?

5. What do Sandro and Margot do and what is Margot's response?

6. Describe the first scene in Volmaro's office when Margot arrives to negotiate the sale of Aretino.

7. Where does Margot go to watch Sandro's work and how does he feel about what he is doing?

8. What has Margot done to restore Aretino?

9. Relate Sandro's story about his love for a movie star when he was young.

10. How does Margot set up a false trail for auctioning Aretino?

(see the answer keys)

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