The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shocks Margot while she is still in the abbess' office?
(a) The graphic images of a book she opens.
(b) That the abbess was a young widow when she becomes a nun.
(c) That the abbess is unhappy about the bishop.
(d) That the postulates can still decide to quit.

2. What does Margot's mother decide to do when she is dying?
(a) Tell her daughter a long-kept secret.
(b) Record messages for her family.
(c) Visit Greenland.
(d) Go to visit Tahiti.

3. How does Margot manage to get back on the train?
(a) She jumps and the young man she saw earlier grabs her hands.
(b) She yells just as the conductor is about to signal the all-clear to the engineer.
(c) The conductor pulls her up onto the car as the train is barely moving.
(d) Someone pulls the emergency stop cord.

4. What does Margot think of the next morning as she is walking?
(a) The young man on the train.
(b) The convent where she almost becomes a nun.
(c) Her mother and her walking in the same area when Margot is younger.
(d) The stranger who offers to buy her a drink.

5. Whose actions are not as impressive as his talk?
(a) Professor Chapin.
(b) Margeaux.
(c) Sister Margaret.
(d) Margot's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Professor Eugene Chapin?

2. What happens to the taxi in which Margot is riding?

3. What is neither great nor terrible that Margot experiences?

4. What does Margot learn one day when she returns to the convent after one of her forays?

5. Why does Margot visit Villa I Tatti?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Margot's discussion of the library with Madre Badessa.

2. Why are two of the postulants in trouble?

3. What are Margot's impressions of Professor Eugene Chapin?

4. What are Margot's options for a room when she gets off the train in Florence?

5. What does Margot decide to do in Chapter 1 and who is against her doing so?

6. About what does Margot become curious while working at the convent, and what does she learn?

7. Describe the scene when the taxi gets a flat tire.

8. Discuss the significance of Señor Bruni in Margot's life as a teenager.

9. Where does Margot end up staying and what does she do on her first morning in Florence?

10. How does the situation about the cassette tapes affect Margot's life even years later?

(see the answer keys)

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