The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sandro think has changed about Margot from when he first met her?
(a) That she is more aggressive.
(b) That she is no longer hesitant.
(c) That she is more religious.
(d) That she is less confident.

2. What does Madre Badessa ask Margot to bring to her?
(a) The book Margot is restoring at Alessandro's.
(b) An inventory of all books over 200 years old in the library.
(c) A list of supplies Margot needs.
(d) A list of Margot's recommendations for the library.

3. With whom does Margot spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?
(a) Her father.
(b) Alessandro.
(c) The nuns.
(d) No one.

4. With what does Sandro have difficulty when he and Margot are eating?
(a) Her being upset at his flirting with the waitress.
(b) How to explain his deal with Volmaro.
(c) Chopsticks.
(d) Chewing the water chesnuts.

5. Why is Margot called into Madre Badessa's office?
(a) The Madre was worried about Margot.
(b) To learn about the restoration of the book.
(c) To see a new fresco found in the library archives.
(d) To hear a piece of music.

6. Where has Sandro taken a position?
(a) The Louvre.
(b) The London Museum.
(c) The Vatican Museum.
(d) The Generimissio Museum in Govani.

7. What will Sandro's position be?
(a) Director of Displays.
(b) Director of Acquisitions.
(c) Curator.
(d) Director of Conservation.

8. What can Margot do on Aretino in Sandro's apartment?
(a) Everything except the finishing.
(b) The page analysis.
(c) Nothing.
(d) The page cleaning.

9. Who becomes ill in Chapter 9?
(a) Sister Agata Agape.
(b) Margot.
(c) Sister Maria Augustino.
(d) The abbess.

10. Who does Margot think should get the money from the sale of the book she is restoring?
(a) The Bishop.
(b) Alessandro.
(c) The sisters.
(d) The Venice museum.

11. How does Volmaro seem to Margot at first?
(a) Dishonest.
(b) Grumpy.
(c) Very friendly.
(d) Incompetent.

12. What does Margot's worksheet elucidate?
(a) Information relating to the restoration of Aretino.
(b) She does not fill out a worksheet as requested by the Bishop.
(c) How much money it will take to restore Aretino.
(d) Her expenses since leaving the United States.

13. Where does Margot enjoy living?
(a) In a room she lets in an old Italian mansion.
(b) At the convent.
(c) In her own hotel suite.
(d) In town.

14. Who does not want a visit from the priest?
(a) Alessandro.
(b) Sister Agata.
(c) The abbess.
(d) Margot.

15. What does the Bishop want to see?
(a) The book Margot has been restoring.
(b) The new frescoes.
(c) Alessandro.
(d) Margot.

Short Answer Questions

1. What might an American woman come to regret?

2. What do the judges believe?

3. Who is going to help Margot with finishing Aretino?

4. What does Margot put in between the pages of the book she is working on?

5. Who does Margot want to say goodbye to in private?

(see the answer keys)

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