The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sixteen Pleasures Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Hellenga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where in the United States does Margot Harrington live?
(a) Chicago.
(b) San Francisco.
(c) Denver.
(d) New York.

2. What shocks Margot while she is still in the abbess' office?
(a) The graphic images of a book she opens.
(b) That the postulates can still decide to quit.
(c) That the abbess is unhappy about the bishop.
(d) That the abbess was a young widow when she becomes a nun.

3. What does Margot want to see?
(a) Where they keep the oldest of the convent's books.
(b) A book the postulants keep overnight.
(c) The abbess to ask her about the convent.
(d) The head of the library.

4. Who does Margot tell Postiglione came up with the drying process?
(a) No one; they have not yet solved the problem.
(b) A taxi driver.
(c) Professor Chapin.
(d) Herself.

5. How have the bookshelves been damaged?
(a) They are not damaged.
(b) They have swelled.
(c) They have warped.
(d) They have bent under the weight of books.

6. Who does Margot encounter when she changes compartments on the train?
(a) A young man who she had noticed earlier.
(b) Her uncle.
(c) Two elderly, retired professors.
(d) An acquaintance from college.

7. Who introduces herself to Margot as she is exploring?
(a) The museum curator.
(b) The Mayor.
(c) The museum procurer.
(d) The Abbess.

8. What does the professor ask Margot a few days later in a taxi?
(a) If she has been to the Alps.
(b) If she will travel back to the States to get some books he needs.
(c) If she wants to be his lover.
(d) If she will quit working with him.

9. What does the abbess in response to Margot's reply to the challenge?
(a) That women become nuns for hundreds of reasons.
(b) That a book is evil only if in the wrong hands.
(c) That obedience is the most difficult vow to keep.
(d) She has no idea why God would want some women to become nuns.

10. Why does Margot almost miss the train as it is leaving a scheduled stop?
(a) She is detained by a policeman.
(b) She disembarks to purchase food.
(c) She is detained by her former college acquaintance.
(d) She disembarks to purchase souvenirs.

11. What is one thing Margot learns about the Catholic Church?
(a) Its charitable works.
(b) Its conservatism.
(c) Its politics.
(d) Its deterioration.

12. What signs does Margot see in the city?
(a) Of the discontent of the foreign workers.
(b) Of the damage done by rioters.
(c) The damage from the flood.
(d) Of the widespread unemployment.

13. When does Lucia live?
(a) The late 19th century.
(b) The early 18th century.
(c) The early 20th century.
(d) The early 17th century.

14. Where does Margot finally disembark for good?
(a) Venice.
(b) Rome.
(c) Tuscany.
(d) Florence.

15. What happens to the taxi in which Margot is riding?
(a) It gets a flat tire.
(b) The driver crashes it into a car in front of him.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Its radiator boils over.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Madre Badessa ask Margot to do?

2. What does the bishop think the convent should not have?

3. What is more important than quantity in the library?

4. Why might the convent not be financially viable?

5. How does Margot replenish the supplies she needs for the library work?

(see the answer keys)

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