The Six Wives of Henry VIII Test | Final Test - Easy

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Six Wives of Henry VIII Test | Final Test - Easy

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was executed for treason on March 20, 1549?
(a) Thomas Seymour, Baron of Sudeley.
(b) Anne of Cleves.
(c) Edward Seymour, Lord Protector of England.
(d) Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk.

2. What gift did King Henry VIII present to Anne Boleyn in August, 1533?
(a) A fancy velvet saddle.
(b) A jeweled coronet.
(c) A christening gown.
(d) A French bed.

3. Who died a full traitor's death on December 10, 1541?
(a) Lady Rochford.
(b) Henry Madox.
(c) Thomas Culpeper.
(d) Francis Dereham.

4. What bird became Jane Seymour's personal emblem?
(a) A quail.
(b) A peacock.
(c) A phoenix.
(d) A falcon.

5. Which of these was not a formal reason given for the annulment of King Henry VIII's marriage to Anne of Cleves?
(a) The non-consummation of the marriage.
(b) Anne of Cleves' adultery.
(c) A probable precontract between Anne of Cleves and the Duke of Lorraine.
(d) The King's lack of consent to the marriage.

6. Of what did King Edward VI die?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Poison.
(c) Plague.
(d) Consumption.

7. What did Anne give Henry for Christmas in 1533?
(a) A silver cup engraved with their initials.
(b) Gold arrows for hunting.
(c) A gold basin with a working fountain.
(d) A portrait of the baby Elizabeth.

8. Which of these was not a reason that Thomas Cranmer visited Queen Anne at the Tower?
(a) To have her sign formal adoption papers for her daughter, Elizabeth.
(b) To receive her consent to the annulment of her marriage.
(c) To administer the Holy Sacrament of Communion.
(d) To offer spiritual consolation.

9. What was the "Valor Ecclesiasticus"?
(a) An homage to the bravery of King Henry VIII.
(b) An homage to the virtue of Queen Katherine.
(c) A treatise about the reforms in the church.
(d) A report on the wealth of the church.

10. Where were the King and Queen planning to visit in May, 1536?
(a) Ireland.
(b) Rome.
(c) Calais.
(d) Canterbury.

11. Who expressed sorrow to the King after hearing of Anne's arrest?
(a) Jane Seymour.
(b) The Duke of Norfolk.
(c) Thomas Cranmer.
(d) Thomas Cromwell.

12. Which of these men was not executed for treason at the Tower of London?
(a) Sir Thomas More.
(b) Father John Forrest.
(c) John Fisher.
(d) Reginald Pole.

13. At what event did Queen Anne and King Henry VIII last see one another?
(a) A jousting tournament.
(b) Her trial.
(c) Easter church services.
(d) A ball given for May Day.

14. To whom did Queen Katherine write a love letter that was discovered by the Privy Council?
(a) Thomas Culpeper.
(b) John Lascelles.
(c) Henry Manox.
(d) Francis Dereham.

15. Where did King Henry VIII develop a wound that never healed?
(a) His foot.
(b) His arm.
(c) His leg.
(d) His shoulder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the title of Katherine's treatise on Christian behavior?

2. On what day was Anne Boleyn executed?

3. Which of these ladies was not considered as a possible fourth bride for King Henry VIII?

4. Which of these men was not one assisted by Anne Boleyn?

5. What major event occurred on June 1, 1533?

(see the answer keys)

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