The Sisters Brothers Test | Final Test - Medium

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sisters Brothers Test | Final Test - Medium

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Eli shout at Charlie about as they mounted their horses and left San Francisco for Sacramento?
(a) Eli shouted at Charlie about Henry Morris.
(b) Eli shouted at Charlie about the Job.
(c) Eli shouted at Charlie about his horse, Tub.
(d) Eli shouted at Charlie about Hermann Warm.

2. Why did the owner at The Black Skull tell the Sisters brothers he would not try to find Warm?
(a) He had thought Warm was his friend, and now he was disappointed to find out he was not a true friend.
(b) He was too ill to go after him.
(c) He was too poor to go after him.
(d) He was too busy at the restaurant to go after him.

3. Where did Warm learn about chemistry?
(a) From his father.
(b) In school.
(c) From his mother.
(d) From a lieutenant colonel named Briggs.

4. What did the prospector who approached Eli and Charlie near Warm's claim ask of the brothers?
(a) To borrow a horse.
(b) To borrow a gun.
(c) To borrow some money.
(d) To borrow their fire to make some coffee.

5. What did the Sisters brothers do with the bodies of the dead prospectors at Warm's camp?
(a) They buried them.
(b) They threw them in a ravine.
(c) They threw them in the river.
(d) They burned them.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the brothers communicate with the hotel manager from Morris's hotel room?

2. What color was the woman's dress and scrap of fabric she passed between her hands at The Black Skull?

3. When Eli got back to where they had left Tub in Part IV, what had become of his horse?

4. What was Charlie's habit prior to the completion of an assignment from the Commodore?

5. What did the owner at The Black Skull tell the Sisters brothers about Warm?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why were there so many abandoned boats in the harbor at San Francisco?

2. What kind of game was the man with the patch engaging in when Eli and Charlie found him in his restaurant?

3. What did Eli do that drew the stares of strangers as he and Charlie left San Francisco to find Warm's claim?

4. What did Eli tell Charlie about their work together at their fancy dinner at The Golden Pearl in San Francisco?

5. What happened when Charlie and Eli were staking out Warm and Morris's camp at Warm's claim?

6. What did the hotel manager tell the Sisters brothers Henry Morris had left behind, and why were they so desperate to get their hands on it?

7. Charlie and Eli met a prospector right before reaching Warm's claim. What is wrong with the prospector's coffee?

8. Why was the man with the eye patch who ran the restaurant Warm used to frequent so upset that Warm had left him out of his plans?

9. What did Charlie and Eli say to Warm while he was pointing his gun at them?

10. What did the Sisters brothers learn from reading Morris's journal?

(see the answer keys)

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