The Sisters Brothers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sisters Brothers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Eli alter his dinner order in the restaurant in Jacksonville?
(a) He asked for something higher in fat.
(b) He asked for more eggs.
(c) He asked for a smaller portion with more vegetables.
(d) He asked for more meat.

2. Who was the Commodore's scout who has gone ahead of Charlie and Eli to San Francisco on the Hermann Warm job?
(a) John Reynolds.
(b) Harry Jacobs.
(c) Henry Morris.
(d) John Smith.

3. How much money did the Sisters brothers steal from Mayfield in gold?
(a) About $50,000.
(b) About $30,000.
(c) About $3,000.
(d) About $1,500.

4. What kind of animal was in Eli's dream about the peculiar girl?
(a) A dog missing a leg.
(b) A horse.
(c) A moose.
(d) A bear.

5. What was the name of the ranch hand in the duel that Charlie and Eli watched?
(a) Stamm.
(b) Williams.
(c) Robinson.
(d) Smith.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did the Sisters brothers leave the gold they had stolen from Mayfield?

2. How much did Mayfield pay the Sisters brothers for the pelt?

3. Who did Eli meet at Mayfield's hotel who he took a fancy to?

4. What did Charlie tell Eli that upset him about the inn keeper he liked?

5. What did Charlie do to the prospector who would not stop jabbing Eli in the leg with his rifle?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Eli try to break the tension with Charlie early on in their journey to California?

2. How did Eli treat the boy once he had surprisingly caught up with him and Charlie?

3. Who did Eli meet at Mayfield's hotel who helped him and warned him of the danger about to befall he and Charlie?

4. Why was Mayfield interested in and asking the Sisters brothers about a man with a limp in Oregon city?

5. What caused the injury to Eli's foot that he suffered early in the brothers' journey to California?

6. Why did Charlie pull a gun on Doctor Watts, the dentist who lanced Eli's face?

7. Why did Eli eventually have to cross the threshold of the old cabin even though he was afraid of the old woman's curse?

8. What did Eli realize about how Charlie felt about killing the men whose tools he took to widen the window?

9. Why were the Sisters brothers unsettled by the old woman in the cabin early on in their journey?

10. What did Charlie's treatment of the boy who as with the three wagons reveal about his character?

(see the answer keys)

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