The Sisters Brothers Test | Final Test - Easy

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sisters Brothers Test | Final Test - Easy

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Warm do as he and the Sisters brothers moved closer to each other after Eli had once again proposed working together?
(a) Warm whispered.
(b) Warm drew both his pistols.
(c) Warm whistled.
(d) Warm yelled loudly.

2. What color was the woman's dress and scrap of fabric she passed between her hands at The Black Skull?
(a) Green.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Red.
(d) Blue.

3. How did reading Morris's writings change Charlie's and Eli's feelings about killing Warm?
(a) Eli wanted to kill Morris, but not Warm, and Charlie agreed.
(b) Eli said he thought Warm and Morris should both be killed as soon as possible.
(c) Charlie said he thought Warm deserved to die even more after reading Morris's writings.
(d) Charlie said he did not like the idea of killing a man because of his own ingenuity, and Eli agreed.

4. How did the brothers communicate with the hotel manager from Morris's hotel room?
(a) By speaking to her across the desk.
(b) Via telephone.
(c) Via walkie-talkie.
(d) Through an early intercom system.

5. What was the name of the restaurant where Warm took Morris to tell him about his plan?
(a) The Tabbard Inn.
(b) The Science Club.
(c) The Bleeding Horse.
(d) The Black Skull.

6. What did Charlie and Eli conclude about Henry Morris's character?
(a) That he was a genius.
(b) That he was an honorable man, even though he had abandoned his post with the Commodore.
(c) That he was a criminal.
(d) That he was insane.

7. What did Eli say to Warm to try to dissuade him from shooting him and Charlie?
(a) Eli proposed that Warm let he and Charlie go so they could kill the Commodore.
(b) Eli proposed that they travel back to town and sell Warm's formula.
(c) Eli proposed that Warm let Eli and Charlie work with Warm and Morris collecting the gold from the illuminated river.
(d) Eli proposed that they go back to the Commodore and try to negotiate a truce.

8. What was the name of the ferry Charlie and Eli boarded after leaving San Francisco?
(a) The Mermaid.
(b) The Eagle Eye.
(c) Old Ulysses.
(d) The James Joyce.

9. What was the owner of The Black Skull doing when Charlie and Eli went to ask him about Warm?
(a) Eating his dinner.
(b) Drinking heavily.
(c) Beating another man.
(d) Playing a game of chance with a beautiful woman.

10. What was Charlie's reaction to reading Morris's writings about Warm?
(a) Charlie said he believed what Morris had written.
(b) Charlie said he wanted to check Morris's claims with the Commodore before doing anything else.
(c) Charlie said Morris had always been fanciful and that the writings sounded like lies.
(d) Charlie said he thought Morris was insane.

11. What did the stable hand at the hotel need to tell Eli about Tub?
(a) Tub needed to have a cut stitched up.
(b) Tub needed to be put down.
(c) Tub's eye needed to be removed.
(d) Tub had lost a shoe.

12. What did the Sisters brothers see when they approached Warm and Morris's camp the second time?
(a) The prospectors from down the river threatening Warm and Morris after Warm refused to sell them wine.
(b) Morris killing Warm.
(c) A group of Indians robbing Warm and Morris.
(d) Warm killing Morris.

13. What was Charlie surprised that Eli knew about how Charlie felt about the Commodore?
(a) Charlie was surprised Eli knew Charlie wanted to become a business partner with the Commodore.
(b) Charlie was surprised that Eli knew he was hoping to one day usurp or take the Commodore's place.
(c) Charlie was surprised Eli knew Charlie thought of the Commodore as a father.
(d) Charlie was surprised Eli knew Charlie wanted to kill the Commodore.

14. What did the owner at The Black Skull tell the Sisters brothers about Warm?
(a) He told them Warm had stolen from him.
(b) He told them Warm had asked him to be his business partner but had left town without him.
(c) He told them Warm had killed his wife.
(d) He told them Warm was his brother.

15. What color was the formula?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Green.
(c) Purplish.
(d) Bright Pink.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the prospector who approached Eli and Charlie near Warm's claim ask of the brothers?

2. What did the prospector near Warm's claim tell Eli and Charlie that Warm and Morris had been carrying?

3. What did the stable hand tell Eli and Charlie would be best for Tub after the surgery?

4. What did Charlie suggest giving to Tub before Eli washed his wound out with alcohol?

5. When Eli got back to where they had left Tub in Part IV, what had become of his horse?

(see the answer keys)

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