The Sirens of Titan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sirens of Titan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Salo originally land on Titan?
(a) Salo needed to rest.
(b) Salo needed to restock his food supply.
(c) His ship developed air intake problems.
(d) His ship developed power plant problems.

2. Where does Unk see the message telling him how to get out of the cave?
(a) On the ship's side.
(b) On the cave's wall.
(c) On the cave's ceiling.
(d) On the cave's floor.

3. Before Beatrice, Malachi, and Chrono arrive on Titan, how many others live on Titan?
(a) Eighteen.
(b) Two.
(c) Forty.
(d) One.

4. How does Bee react to learning of her exile with Malachi?
(a) She hurls rocks at Rumfoord.
(b) She is glad that Chrono is being exiled too.
(c) She is glad to get away from Earth.
(d) She falls to her death as she climbs the ladder.

5. Boaz finds a purpose for his life on Mercury. What is it?
(a) Transmitting messages through space.
(b) Caring for Unk.
(c) Discovering the properties of phosphorescence.
(d) Caring for the harmoniums.

Short Answer Questions

1. As "A Puzzle Solved" begins, how long have Unk and Boaz been living on Mercury?

2. As Malachi's ship approaches Titan, what does Rumfoord tell Salo is on the incoming ship?

3. How does Salo kill himself?

4. How do the Earthlings respond to the Martian bombings?

5. When do Boaz and Unk realize they are not on Earth?

Short Essay Questions

1. There are only two buttons on the Martian space ships. What are they?

2. Why do the people crowded around Unk and his space ship cheer at Unk's answer to their question regarding what happened to him?

3. As Malachi climbs the ladder to the space ship and prepares for his upcoming exile on Titan, why is he weeping?

4. How does Unk's space ship finally navigate out of the caves?

5. What is the "taste of hell" that the Martian commandos rain down on Earth?

6. As Unk's ship lands on Earth, what is the one desire that is driving Unk on?

7. When the space ship finally lands, why does Boaz rush to open the spacecraft's outer door?

8. What is Boaz and Unk's space ship programmed to do when the ship reaches its destination?

9. How does Tralfamadore communicate with Salo?

10. In terms of his interactions with Winston, what makes Salo unique?

(see the answer keys)

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