The Sirens of Titan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sirens of Titan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which flag is flying in front of Unk's barracks?
(a) Canada's flag.
(b) The Russian flag.
(c) The United States' flag.
(d) France's flag.

2. At its height, what is the population of the city on Mars?
(a) 1,250,000.
(b) 56,000.
(c) 187,000.
(d) 87,000.

3. Who is WInston Rumfoord?
(a) The wealthiest man on Earth.
(b) The father of Malachi Constant.
(c) The son of Malachi Constant.
(d) The man who materializes.

4. Where was Noel when he got the idea of becoming a speculator?
(a) On a date.
(b) On the telephone.
(c) At the county fair.
(d) At a hotel.

5. While cleaning his rifle in the barracks, Unk has a vision of three beautiful girls. What does Unk notice about the golden girl?
(a) The golden girl is wearing a bikini.
(b) The golden girl is dancing.
(c) The golden girl is waving at Unk.
(d) The golden girl is smoking a cigarette.

Short Answer Questions

1. What other facet of Martian life - aside from the sky - seems wrong to Unk?

2. Before founding Magnum Opus, what was Noel Constant's occupation?

3. At the beginning of "Tent Rentals", the story has shifted locations. Where is the story now taking place?

4. Which fellow soldier overhears Unk's mutterings while he is cleaning his rifle in the barracks?

5. Who is the bound man searching the group of soldiers for?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the reader is first introduced to Ransom K. Fern, the reader learns that he will be quitting his job. Why does Ransom K. Fern quit?

2. What do the flags flying in front of the army barracks signify?

3. How does Malachi gain entrance to the estate in order to witness the materialization?

4. Why do the children on Mars spend so little time studying?

5. What is United Hotcake?

6. According to the narrator, what did Earth's advance agents find in space that had already been found in abundance on Earth?

7. Describe Noel Constant's investment strategy.

8. What is the most important rule in the Martian army?

9. As Unk's unit is marching through Phoebe, why does Unk drop the grenade and leave his unit?

10. What did the invitation to witness the materialization say regarding the relationship between Malachi and Winston? Why is this odd for Malachi?

(see the answer keys)

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