The Sirens of Titan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sirens of Titan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What activity does Unk find particularly pleasant?
(a) Shooting hoops with his fellow officers.
(b) Cleaning his rifle.
(c) Cooking for his fellow soldiers.
(d) Cleaning the barracks.

2. What is Malachi known as?
(a) The luckiest man on Earth.
(b) The fastest man on Earth.
(c) The smartest man on Earth.
(d) The handsomest man on Earth.

3. What powers the machinery on Mars?
(a) Ultimate Welding To Bend.
(b) Ultimate Time Will Become.
(c) Universal Torque Will Bend.
(d) Universal Will To Become.

4. Who is the bound man searching the group of soldiers for?
(a) Malachi.
(b) Salo.
(c) Winston.
(d) Unk.

5. What does Winston reveal to Malachi about Titan?
(a) That the atmosphere is breathable.
(b) That there are beautiful women there.
(c) That Malachi will live there for seven years.
(d) That Titan is inhabited by human explorers.

6. During what time period do the events in the story take place?
(a) The Invasion Years.
(b) The Nightmare Ages.
(c) The Great Depression.
(d) World War I.

7. What sport does Unk's son excel at?
(a) Football.
(b) Batball.
(c) Soccer.
(d) Baseball.

8. How many months are in the Martian calendar year?
(a) Eight.
(b) Twenty-nine.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Sixteen.

9. Ransom considers himself to be superior to Malachi in every way except one. What is the one way?
(a) Charisma.
(b) Financial savvy.
(c) Looks.
(d) Luck.

10. Who are the models in the MoonMist cigarette ad?
(a) Rumfoord's house guests.
(b) Malachi's three favorite dates.
(c) The three models from Mars.
(d) The three sirens from Titan.

11. Which flag is flying in front of Unk's barracks?
(a) Canada's flag.
(b) The Russian flag.
(c) France's flag.
(d) The United States' flag.

12. What is in the middle of the soldiers' formation?
(a) A space ship.
(b) A stake.
(c) An idol.
(d) A newly appointed company commander.

13. Who is Unk's company commander?
(a) Captain Arnold Ramsfield.
(b) Captain Arnold Burch.
(c) Captain Jonah Ramsfield.
(d) Captain Jonah Burch.

14. What unique talent does Rumfoord display?
(a) Rumfoord is extraordinarily lucky.
(b) Rumfoord can read minds.
(c) Rumfoord has a photographic memory.
(d) Rumfoord can juggle.

15. What punishment does Boaz receive for encouraging Unk in the barracks?
(a) Latrine duty.
(b) Kitchen duty.
(c) Trash duty.
(d) Solitary confinement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the second visitor to Noel's room hope to secure from Noel?

2. Unk's rifle is a vintage model. From which war is his gun?

3. During the first two years at the Wilburhampton, who was Noel's only visitor?

4. When the company commander arrives for a surprise inspection, which soldier is slow in rising to attention?

5. When would Noel sell the shares of the company he was currently invested in?

(see the answer keys)

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