The Sirens of Titan Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sirens of Titan Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Epilogue: Reunion with Stony.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What will the leader of the faith reveal when the "Space Wanderer" appears?
(a) The future of the faith.
(b) The beginning of the end times.
(c) The wanderer's name.
(d) The purpose of all life.

2. As Unk stands in the square formation, he notices the color of the sky because the color seems wrong to him. What color is the sky?
(a) Green.
(b) Pink.
(c) Violet.
(d) Blue.

3. How many months are in the Martian calendar year?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Eight.
(c) Twenty-nine.
(d) Sixteen.

4. When Unk is on the platform at the estate to the crowd who came to see the Space Wanderer in person, what does Unk notice?
(a) A long ladder leading to a space ship.
(b) The sky on Earth is blue.
(c) The souvenir sellers outside the estate.
(d) Unk's friend, Stony, in the crowd.

5. What object does Boaz carry in his right front trouser pocket?
(a) A small control box.
(b) A good luck charm.
(c) A Swiss Army knife.
(d) A key car.

Short Answer Questions

1. Beatrice complains that she no longer wants to be part of the human race. What does Beatrice want to be instead?

2. After the explosion on Mercury, what do Boaz and Unk decide to do?

3. According to Fern, at their meeting at the company headquarters, what does Malachi have yet to realize?

4. What condition is the space ship in when Malachi, Beatrice, and Chrono board to leave earth?

5. Watching the soldiers depart after the square formation, what would an observer wonder?

(see the answer key)

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