The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Anne Stevenson began a lecture describing how her and Sylvia's background as well as ideology were similar, and they had both married _________.
(a) Englishmen.
(b) Adulterers.
(c) Incorrectly.
(d) Hastily.

2. The long and confused letter Janet Malcolm received from Olwyn in response in Part One: Chapter IV only reiterated her disdain for ____________.
(a) The Hughes family.
(b) The postal service.
(c) The Sylvia Plath myth.
(d) Ted Hughes.

3. Dealing with Olwyn for three years, Malcolm saw none of the expected ________ in her character?
(a) Narcissism.
(b) Arrogance.
(c) Kindness.
(d) Generosity.

4. What university had Sylvia Plath attended?
(a) Columbia University.
(b) Princeton University.
(c) Smith College.
(d) Dartmouth College.

5. What university did Sylvia Plath attend in England?
(a) Cambridge University.
(b) Oxford University.
(c) Exeter University.
(d) Rhodes University.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wrote the biography Bitter Fame?

2. When was The Bell Jar first published?

3. Where did Anne Stevenson move after college and marrying?

4. In the first publication of The Journals of Sylvia Plath, Hughes commented how in the last several years of her life, Sylvia had found ______________.

5. How was Anne Stevenson viewed by the author and her peers while at the university?

Short Essay Questions

1. Aurelia Plath's intentions in having her daughter's letters published is implied to be in retaliation for what?

2. How did Sylvia's demeanor and image change from her youth to her death?

3. Ted Hughes wrote two introductions to The Journals of Sylvia Plath. What did he write in the first introduction, and when was this edition published?

4. When were Ted and Sylvia separated? What did Sylvia reveal to Alvarez during that time?

5. Describe the house Sylvia rented in London. What were her impressions of the residence?

6. What happened between Linda Wagner-Martin and Ted and Olwyn Hughes?

7. What correspondence did Malcolm have with Olwyn Hughes in Part One: Chapter IV? What was illustrated through the letters?

8. What lecture did Malcolm read of Anne Stevenson's defense of her biography in Part Two: Chapter I?

9. What was Sylvia Plath's response to her mother's criticism of her dark works?

10. How old were Sylvia and Ted when Sylvia died? How did she die?

(see the answer keys)

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