The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Ariel published?
(a) 1962.
(b) 1963.
(c) 1965.
(d) 1968.

2. To assuage Ted's hurt artistic side, A. Alvarez wrote in a letter that he felt Ted and Sylvia were ______________.
(a) The best poets of their generation.
(b) True intellectuals.
(c) The greatest love story of all time.
(d) Beautiful souls.

3. The editor of The Journals of Sylvia Plath defended her cuts as ___________ when publishing such raw material as journal entries?
(a) Standard.
(b) Requested.
(c) Necessary.
(d) Minimal.

4. When did Ted Hughes die?
(a) 2001.
(b) 1998.
(c) 2000.
(d) 1997.

5. What memoir did Trevor Thomas write that described Sylvia Plath?
(a) Your Own, Sylvia: A Verse Portrait of Sylvia Plath.
(b) Her Husband: Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath--A Marriage.
(c) Sylvia Plath: Method and Madness: A Biography.
(d) Sylvia Plath: Last Encounters.

6. What book did A. Alvarez write on the subject of divorce?
(a) Day of Atonement.
(b) Life After Marriage.
(c) Where Did It All Go Right?
(d) Beyond All This Fiddle.

7. What was the name of Clarissa Roche's husband of whom Sylvia had less than kind things to say about?
(a) Frank.
(b) Jim.
(c) Mark.
(d) Paul.

8. Malcolm drew a parallel between Anne Stevenson's failed relationship and her guilt-ridden past to the subservient role she took on with whom?
(a) Ted Hughes.
(b) Phillip Hobsbaum.
(c) Dido Merwin.
(d) Owlyn Hughes.

9. Ted Hughes was outraged by Rose's inference that Plath questioned her sexual identity in what work?
(a) The Haunting of Sylvia Plath.
(b) Rabbit Catcher.
(c) Letters Home.
(d) The Savage God.

10. Alvarez responded to Ted Hughes in letters that his work was honest and not one of _____________.
(a) Evil motivation.
(b) Lies.
(c) Sensationalism.
(d) Fiction.

11. A. Alvarez ended his interview with Malcolm in Part Two: Chapter VII by concluding that Ted could never accept the fact that Sylvia's life and death was ________ and he could do nothing to change that.
(a) A rollercoaster.
(b) Not perfect.
(c) Dramatic.
(d) In the public domain.

12. What poem written by Sylvia Plath, originally collected in the posthumously published volume Ariel, describes the speaker's oppression with the use of World War II Nazi Germany allusions and images?
(a) Lady Lazarus.
(b) Poppies in October.
(c) The Night Dances.
(d) Sheep in Fog.

13. What editor of The Journals of Sylvia Plath was criticized for her own omission of some works?
(a) Amanda Reynolds.
(b) Roberta Jefferies.
(c) Helen Barry.
(d) Frances McCullough.

14. How did Trevor Thomas know Sylvia Plath?
(a) He worked at her favorite restraunt.
(b) He lived below her.
(c) They worked together at one time.
(d) They went to school together.

15. In Part Two: Chapters VIII, Elizabeth Sigmund mentioned that Ted and Carol no longer speak to whom?
(a) A. Alvarez.
(b) Olwyn Hughes.
(c) Aurelia Plath.
(d) Clarissa Roche.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many years of hell did Ted Hughes go through after Sylvia's death, according to Anne Stevenson in Part Two: Chapter IV?

2. When The Journals of Sylvia Plath were published, it left many thinking that the words and spirit of Sylvia had been ___________.

3. The protagonist in The Bell Jar is from suburbs outside what city?

4. A. Alvarez claimed to have thought that Bitter Fame was an example of ___________.

5. Sylvia wrote in her journal that the fight at the end of the school year had caused her to lose faith in Ted. She asked why the wife was the last to see the husband's ___________.

(see the answer keys)

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