The Silent Patient Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex Michaelides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Silent Patient Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex Michaelides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the head inspector investigating Alicia's overdose in Part Four, Chapter Nineteen?
(a) Chief Inspector Sam Adams.
(b) Chief Inspector Sean Abbott.
(c) Chief Inspector Steven Allen.
(d) Chief Inspector Simon Abraham.

2. According to Alicia's diary in Part Five, Chapter One, what choice did Theo give Gabriel?
(a) To choose to admit his infidelity.
(b) To choose who would die.
(c) To choose to commit suicide.
(d) To choose to break up with Kathy.

3. According to Theo in Part Four, Chapter Fifteen, what major inconsistency in Alicia's story proves she is lying?
(a) The location of the murder.
(b) The weapon used in the murder.
(c) The number of times Gabriel had been shot.
(d) The time of the murder.

4. According to Alicia's diary in Part Two, Chapter Twenty-Two, what does she tell Jean-Felix that sets off an argument between them?
(a) That she feels he only cares about her paintings.
(b) That she knows he is in love with her.
(c) That she wants to change galleries.
(d) That Gabriel's opinion matters more than his.

5. What shocking information does Barbie tell Theo in Part Two, Chapter Thirty?
(a) Gabriel had been cheating on Alicia prior to the murder.
(b) A man had been watching Alicia prior to the murder.
(c) Alicia had been paranoid and violent prior to the murder.
(d) The police had been to the house prior to the murder.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Alicia's diary in Part Five, Chapter One, whom or what did Theo shoot on the night of the murder?

2. According to Alicia in Part Four, Chapter Eleven, who was really inside the house, as described in the final entry of her diary?

3. According to Diomedes in Part Two, Chapter Twenty-Three, what had happened to Alicia?

4. In Part Two, Chapter Twenty-Five, how does Alicia react upon learning she will be allowed to paint?

5. According to what Theo tells Alicia in Part Four, Chapter Nine, what had her father done?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Theo in Part Four, Chapter Fifteen, how does he know Alicia is lying to him?

2. What happens when Theo confronts Christian in Part Four, Chapter Two?

3. What happens when Theo and Alicia meet in Part Two, Chapter Thirty-Four?

4. What information does Barbie give Theo in Part Two, Chapter Thirty?

5. What happens to Alicia in Part Four, Chapter Seventeen? Who is held accountable in Part Four, Chapter Eighteen?

6. According to Theo in Part Five, Chapter Three, what has happened to Theo and Kathy following the death of Gabriel?

7. In Part Three, how does Gabriel react to Alicia's report of a man watching her? How does Alicia feel about this?

8. According to Alicia in Part Four, Chapter Fourteen, what happened after Gabriel got home on the night of the murder?

9. What does Theo discover in Part Four, Chapter Five? How does he respond to this discovery?

10. What happens when Alicia and Gabriel have dinner with Max in Part Three?

(see the answer keys)

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