The Silent Patient Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alex Michaelides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Silent Patient Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alex Michaelides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Theo compares his life to what in Part One, Chapter Eight?
(a) To Japanese kabuki.
(b) To a French ballet.
(c) To a Russian opera.
(d) To a Greek tragedy.

2. What is the name of the narrator?
(a) Ted Farber.
(b) Theo Faber.
(c) Trent Foster.
(d) Todd Ford.

3. What play is Kathy rehearsing for in in Part Two, Chapter Six?
(a) Othello.
(b) Romeo and Juliet.
(c) King Lear.
(d) Macbeth.

4. What is the name of the gallerist who exhibits Alicia's artwork?
(a) Jean-Philip Moulin.
(b) Jean-Felix Martin.
(c) Jean-Carlos Mariche.
(d) Jean-Luc Michel.

5. When Kathy appears concerned for him in Part Two, Chapter Eighteen, Theo remembers what?
(a) She does love him.
(b) She is a good actress.
(c) His tendency to overreact.
(d) He should not jump to conclusions.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Max's receptionist in Part Two, Chapter Twelve, where should Theo go for more information?

2. What secret is Theo keeping from his wife in Part Two, Chapter Six?

3. According to the narrator in Part One, Chapter One, what is the only mysterious aspect to the murder?

4. Which therapist oversaw Alicia's treatment at the Grove?

5. How does Christian view Theo's plan to help Alicia in Part Two, Chapter Three?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the various opinions on Alicia's attack in Part Two, Chapter Five?

2. What happens in the play Alcestis, as Theo explains in Part Two, Chapter Twenty-One?

3. What painting is Alicia working on in Part Two, Chapter One? What is interesting about it?

4. What happens during Theo's session with Alicia in Part Two, Chapter Seven?

5. What information does Theo learn from Jean-Felix when he visits the gallery in Part Two, Chapters Nineteen and Twenty?

6. Who is the narrator, and what does the reader learn about him in Part One, Chapter Three?

7. What happens when Theo meets Paul and Lydia Rose in Part Two, Chapters Sixteen and Seventeen?

8. What plan of inquiry does Theo outline in Part One, Chapter Eight?

9. What request does Theo make of Diomedes in Part Two, Chapter Two? What is the result?

10. Who is Jean-Felix? What does he do while Alicia is on trial for murder?

(see the answer keys)

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