The Silent Patient Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Alex Michaelides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Silent Patient Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Alex Michaelides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two, Chapter Twenty-Two - Part Two, Chapter Thirty.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shocking information does Barbie tell Theo in Part Two, Chapter Thirty?
(a) The police had been to the house prior to the murder.
(b) A man had been watching Alicia prior to the murder.
(c) Alicia had been paranoid and violent prior to the murder.
(d) Gabriel had been cheating on Alicia prior to the murder.

2. What is the nickname given to the nurses' station at the Grove?
(a) The glass globe.
(b) The looking glass.
(c) The ice block.
(d) The goldfish bowl.

3. According to Alicia's diary in Part Two, Chapter Thirteen, why does she dislike Max Berenson?
(a) Max believes she is not good enough for his brother.
(b) Max is a kleptomaniac.
(c) Max constantly borrows money from them.
(d) Max says he is in love with her.

4. How does Theo injure himself when he is tormented by Kathy's emails in Part Two, Chapter Eight?
(a) He cuts his finger on a broken wine bottle.
(b) He sprains his ankle while pacing.
(c) He hits his head on a cabinet.
(d) He falls down the stairs while drinking.

5. According to Chistian in Part Two, Chapter Three, what is "hanging" over the Grove?
(a) Pandora's box.
(b) Cupid's arrows.
(c) The sword of Damocles.
(d) Promethean fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Yuri recommend to Theo in Part One, Chapter Nine?

2. Who is the manager at the Grove?

3. During his conversation with Ruth in Part Two, Chapter Nine, Theo realizes what drove Kathy to an affair?

4. How does Diomedes describe Alicia in Part One, Chapter Six?

5. According to Max's receptionist in Part Two, Chapter Twelve, where should Theo go for more information?

(see the answer key)

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