The Sicilian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sicilian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the police ascend the mountain toward Turi and Aspanu's cave, what do Turi and Aspanu do?
(a) They wait for their arrival in order to work out a deal.
(b) They fire their guns over the policemen's heads.
(c) They kill them.
(d) They run from them.

2. Why are Turi and his friends famous to the people of Sicily?
(a) They own several estates.
(b) They are part of the Catholic Church.
(c) They give to the poor.
(d) They smuggle food.

3. Who is interested in recruiting Turi as the heir to their empire?
(a) Don Croce.
(b) Don Corleone.
(c) Hector Adonis.
(d) Minister Trezza.

4. Why does Don Croce attempt to kill Turi with assassins?
(a) The Mafia chiefs order it.
(b) Turi put a hit out on Don Croce.
(c) Turi declines the offer to be Don Croce's heir.
(d) Don Croce finds him to be a threat.

5. What type of existence does Turi live in order to better befit his position of leader of his band?
(a) Cautious.
(b) Powerful.
(c) Ruthless.
(d) Chaste.

6. What person of importance asks to join Turi's band?
(a) Father Benjamino.
(b) Michael Corleone.
(c) Don Croce.
(d) Silvestro.

7. Who does Michael meet first while in Sicily in order to help Turi's escape to America?
(a) Don Croce Malo.
(b) The carabinieri.
(c) Don Vito Corleone.
(d) The Minister of Justice.

8. How much is the ransom of Prince Ollorto for?
(a) 60 million lire.
(b) 50 million lire.
(c) 10 million lire.
(d) 30 million lire.

9. When Turi kidnaps Prince Ollorto, what does he supply the Prince with?
(a) Insulin.
(b) Glasses.
(c) Penicillin.
(d) Antibiotics.

10. Who does Turi Guiliano kill that causes him to become a bandit?
(a) The Minister of Justice.
(b) His cousin.
(c) A police officer.
(d) His father.

11. What was Don Croce trained to do for work when he was growing up?
(a) To be a priest.
(b) To be a policeman.
(c) To be a doctor.
(d) To be an informant.

12. Who is spotted riding a donkey into the mountains that causes Turi and Aspanu to be cautious?
(a) Don Croce.
(b) Hector Adonis.
(c) Turi's father.
(d) Aspanu's father.

13. Who is nailed to a cross and sent to Quintana as a message?
(a) Don Croce.
(b) An assassin who tries to kill Turi.
(c) Stefan Andolini.
(d) A spy of Don Croce.

14. What crime is popular in Italy and is practiced by the Mafia?
(a) Kidnapping.
(b) Assassination.
(c) Robbing.
(d) Harming police officers.

15. Whose forces does Prince Ollorto tell Turi to join?
(a) Don Corleone's.
(b) Aspanu's.
(c) Don Croce's.
(d) The carabinieri.

Short Answer Questions

1. By what age did Don Croce become the strongest don in the Sicilian Maffia?

2. What does Turi demand of the Duke and Duchess five days before Christmas?

3. Why is Michael Corleone in Sicily?

4. Who keeps Turi supplied with books while he is living in the mountains?

5. Who is Turi Guiliano?

(see the answer keys)

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