The Shipping News Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shipping News Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the packet of money posted?
(a) Melbourne.
(b) Macau.
(c) Morocco.
(d) Montreal.

2. What is one thing Quoyle actually likes about Christmas?
(a) The smell of fir trees.
(b) Opening presents.
(c) Remembering his childhood Christmases.
(d) The ads on the radio.

3. Why is Quoyle called to the school?
(a) Because Bunny's poor grades.
(b) On account of unpaid fees.
(c) On account of Bunny's misbehavior.
(d) Because the principal wanted publicity for the school.

4. Who is Alvin's niece?
(a) Petal.
(b) Agnis.
(c) Beety.
(d) Wavey.

5. Who humiliated Herry Prowse?
(a) Mrs Lumbull.
(b) Bunny.
(c) Hetty Pretty.
(d) The school principal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What pleasure does Wavey enjoy in St John's?

2. Who used skin boats?

3. Who finally tells Bunny that Petal is dead?

4. What type of movie does Beety want Quoyle to hire?

5. Who is Warren the Second?

Short Essay Questions

1. What conclusions can be drawn about the origin of the money Agnis receives?

2. In what ways are descriptions of interior environment, specifically the Heavy weather bar and the Burke house, connected to the characters of Quoyle and Tert Card in Chapter 34?

3. What is the outcome of Bunny's attack on the teacher?

4. Why is Quoyle uncertain about marrying Wavey?

5. From the description of it in this chapter, is it possible Quoyle would enjoy living in Nutbeem's trailer?

6. Contrast the growing relationship between Quoyle and Wavey with that each experienced with their previous partners.

7. What insight into Wavey and her friends, the Buggit family, is provided in this chapter?

8. Comment on the reception given Quoyle's piece about oil tankers.

9. What behaviors show the reader how the relationship between Quoyle and Wavey is developing?

10. To what extent is Quoyle drawn to the green house on the point?

(see the answer keys)

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