The Shell Seekers Test | Final Test - Easy

Rosamunde Pilcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shell Seekers Test | Final Test - Easy

Rosamunde Pilcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What secret does Antonia reveal to Penelope?
(a) She loves Danus.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She is breaking up with Danus.
(d) She is returning to Spain.

2. What sound does Penelope hear right before she dies?
(a) A Christmas choir.
(b) A man's footsteps.
(c) A ringing bell.
(d) A dog barking.

3. What disease does Danus think he has?
(a) Epilepsy.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Diabetes.
(d) Tuberculosis.

4. Who is the soldier who recognizes Lawrence at the museum?
(a) Philip Reardon.
(b) Richard Lomax.
(c) David Holmes.
(d) Clayton Hall.

5. What does Olivia do with what she finds in her mother's room?
(a) She seals it.
(b) She burns it.
(c) She sells it.
(d) She puts it in storiage.

6. Where does Penelope go first thing this morning?
(a) The telegraph office.
(b) The art museum.
(c) A cafe.
(d) The train station.

7. What are the adjustments that Penelope made the day before she died?
(a) Bereavement plans.
(b) Codicils.
(c) Landscape design.
(d) Tailoring.

8. Who accompanies Penelope on a trip to Porthkerris?
(a) Nancy and George.
(b) Noel and Danus.
(c) Antonia and Olivia.
(d) Antonia and Danus.

9. Who arranges Penelope's funeral?
(a) Nancy.
(b) Noel.
(c) Danus.
(d) Olivia.

10. What makes Penelope light-headed while in her garden?
(a) It is a hot and humid day?
(b) She forgot to take her medication.
(c) Her dress is too tight.
(d) Reaching to pick a dandelion.

11. What do Richard and Lawrence do after dinner?
(a) Play backgammon.
(b) Drink brandy.
(c) Play chess.
(d) Smoke cigars.

12. What does Olivia tell the duo in #164 regarding the will?
(a) They can contest it.
(b) She says nothing to them.
(c) They should consider themselves lucky.
(d) They must accept the verdict.

13. Penelope dreams that she will get a letter from Ambrose telling her that _______________________.
(a) he wants to have another child.
(b) he has fallen in love with someone else.
(c) his injuries are improving.
(d) he wants to move to the States after the war.

14. With what firm is the person in #105 associated?
(a) Sloane's.
(b) Reginald's.
(c) Sotheby's.
(d) Boothby's

15. Why has Danus never told his parents about his disease?
(a) He did not want to worry them.
(b) They would stick their nose into his business.
(c) They would think he was weak.
(d) They would treat him differently.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who had given the item in #165 to Penelope?

2. What type of business does Danus want to start?

3. What does Penelope name her first child?

4. Who accuses Danus and Antonia of manipulating Penelope?

5. What holiday does Penelope spend in Porthkarris?

(see the answer keys)

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