The Shadow Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Shadow Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Perrin plan to do to save Two Rivers?
(a) Let the Whitecloaks see him and then set off running for them to follow.
(b) Turn himself in to the Whitecloaks.
(c) Poison the Whitecloaks.
(d) Kill the leader of the Whitecloaks.

2. Who is the person Nynaeve is observing in the Panarch's Palace?
(a) The Forsaken known as Moghedien.
(b) The Panarch.
(c) The Forsaken known as Bors.
(d) The Forsaken known as Lanfear.

3. When the man and his thugs attempt to waylay Nynaeve and Elayne, who helps them?
(a) Egeanin.
(b) Mat.
(c) Rand.
(d) Thom.

4. What has Lord Luc been doing?
(a) Flirting with Faile.
(b) Encouraging the people to fight back against both the trollocs and the Whitecloaks.
(c) Killing the Whitecloaks surreptitiously.
(d) Looking for Darkfriends.

5. What does Perrin convince the families at the Al'Seen farm to do?
(a) Move to Emond's Field for more safety.
(b) Increase the land they are farming.
(c) Pretend to be supportive of the Whitecloaks.
(d) Allow a garrison to be housed on their land.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elaida tell Siuan?

2. Where is Padan Fain going?

3. Who is Egeanin?

4. Who warns Nynaeve when Nynaeve journeys to Tel'Aran'Rhiod?

5. About whom does Lord Luc ask Bornheld?

Short Essay Questions

1. What makes it easier for Leane and Siuan to disguise themselves when they escape the White Tower?

2. What is Padan Fain's connection to Mat, Perrin and Rand?

3. What does Perrin suspect about Lord Luc's defiance of the Whitecloaks?

4. Explain a little about the ancient country of Manetheren.

5. What excuse does Elaida use to depose Siuan, and how is Elaida being unwittingly manipulated?

6. What does Faile understand about Chiad's feelings about Gaul that Perrin does not know?

7. How are the Two Rivers women and Faile held up as an example to the Whitecloaks?

8. What are the stakes involved in Perrin and Dain Bornheld's negotiations?

9. How is Gaul's relationship to Bain and Chiad changing?

10. How do the Wise Ones discipline Egwene and why does this confuse Rand and Mat?

(see the answer keys)

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