The Shadow Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Shadow Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who warns Nynaeve when Nynaeve journeys to Tel'Aran'Rhiod?
(a) Egwene.
(b) Elayne.
(c) The legendary heroine Birgitte.
(d) Amys.

2. What happens to the camp that night?
(a) It is attacked by the peddlers.
(b) It is attacked by the Shaido.
(c) It is attacked by Aes Sedai.
(d) It is attacked by trollocs and Myrddraal.

3. At the White Tower, what is Elaida doing?
(a) She is killing Siuan.
(b) She is sending out Red Ajah to gentle Rand.
(c) She is meeting with other Black Ajah.
(d) She enters Siuan's office with twelve other sisters.

4. What news does Thom bring to Elayne and Nynaeve?
(a) The Queen of Tanchico has been assassinated.
(b) The Whitecloaks have seized the Panarch's palace.
(c) The Whitecloaks have started attacking ships in the harbor.
(d) The Panarch's palace has burned to the ground.

5. Who is Egeanin?
(a) A Seanchan woman.
(b) A Tear noblewoman.
(c) One of the Forsaken.
(d) An Aes Sedai.

6. About whom does Lord Luc ask Bornheld?
(a) Ordeith.
(b) Perrin.
(c) Rand.
(d) Mat.

7. What is Bornheld's intention for Perrin?
(a) To Amadicia for trial.
(b) To ask him to join the Whitecloaks.
(c) To give him joint command of all the fighting forces.
(d) To hand him over to Ordeith.

8. Where has Couladin gone?
(a) To find the Followers of the Leaf.
(b) To find and kill Lanfear.
(c) To try to get to Alcair Dal before Rand.
(d) To attack Tear.

9. Who does Perrin say they must free?
(a) The captured Whitecloaks.
(b) The captured trollocs least more come to free them.
(c) Mat's sisters and Mr. and Mrs. Luhhan.
(d) The captured wolves.

10. About what does Faile confront Perrin?
(a) His ability to communicate with wolves.
(b) His flirtations with Berelain.
(c) His desire to turn himself in to the Whitecloaks.
(d) Nothing.

11. Who does Perrin follow to the Waygate in his dreams?
(a) Trollocs.
(b) Lord Luc.
(c) Ravens.
(d) Wolves.

12. What does Jasin Natael hear Mat saying in his sleep?
(a) That Rand is going to conquer the world.
(b) That Lanfear is with the peddlers.
(c) That Morraine knows who is traveling with the peddlers.
(d) Words in the old tongue.

13. Where is Doman told to put the collar?
(a) In the deepest part of the ocean.
(b) Someplace other than Tanchico.
(c) Hidden in a secret compartment on his ship.
(d) In a volcanic crevice.

14. What is Perrin's nickname?
(a) Perrin Goldeneyes.
(b) Perrin the Hawk.
(c) Perrin the Just.
(d) Perrin Strongarm.

15. Of what does Couladin accuse Mat and Rand?
(a) Destroying Rhuidean.
(b) Killing Muradin.
(c) Destroying the Aiel's customs.
(d) Being darkfriends.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Perrin ask Faile to go to Caemlyn to convince Morgase to send forces to help repulse the trollocs?

2. What do Loial and Gaul tell Perrin?

3. What is Faile's one condition for going to Caemlyn?

4. Who is Lord Luc?

5. What does Egeanin notice during a fight?

(see the answer keys)

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