The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Shehan Karunatilaka
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Shehan Karunatilaka
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Maali watch Kottu and Balal doing?
(a) Playing poker.
(b) Swimming in the lake.
(c) Dumping bodies in the lake.
(d) Taking a walk in the cemetery.

2. What is the power that the Crow Man gives Maali?
(a) The power to see the dead.
(b) The power to whisper to the living.
(c) The power to remember his memories.
(d) The power to communicate to the dead.

3. What is the island called where Maali travels to with Dr. Ranee and Sena to get the Ear Check?
(a) Ghost.
(b) Slave.
(c) Afterlife.
(d) Spirit.

4. Who does Maari run into in the Afterlife?
(a) His father.
(b) Dr. Ranee Sridharan.
(c) Jaki.
(d) His mother.

5. What year are the photos taken?
(a) 1999.
(b) 1977.
(c) 1978.
(d) 1983.

6. Where is the cemetery located?
(a) India.
(b) San Paulo.
(c) Colombo.
(d) Buenas Aries.

7. What color is the sari that the woman in wearing?
(a) Blue.
(b) White.
(c) Tan.
(d) Green.

8. Who do Elsa, detectives, and Stanley recognize in the photos?
(a) The policeman.
(b) The boy.
(c) Maali.
(d) The Minister of Justice.

9. What is Maali's full name?
(a) Malinda Albert Kabalana.
(b) Marcy Kabalana.
(c) Melinda Kabalana.
(d) Mercy Grey.

10. Where does Maali wake up?
(a) In a ditch.
(b) Afterlife.
(c) In the street.
(d) In his bed.

11. What does Maali hear when he first wakes up?
(a) Distant cries.
(b) Arguing.
(c) Screaming.
(d) Music.

12. What does Maali realize at the end of First Moon?
(a) He must communicate with Jaki and DD.
(b) He must kiss Sena.
(c) That he is dead.
(d) That he must forgive his father.

13. Who is Maali's parents?
(a) Jaki and Tobias.
(b) Stanley and Elsa.
(c) Ranchagoda and Cassim.
(d) Dada and Amma.

14. Who arrives demanding to see the warrant?
(a) Jaki.
(b) DD and Stanley.
(c) Amma.
(d) The police.

15. Who do Elsa and the detectives want Jaki’s help?
(a) To get the photos enlarged.
(b) To search for Maali.
(c) To sneak into the FujiKodak shop.
(d) To find the photos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the ear folds revelation prevent him doing?

2. Who does Maari want to amass an army of spirits?

3. What did Maali make for the young American journalist, Andrew McGown?

4. Why does the woman tell him?

5. What does Maali want to resolve before going to The Light?

(see the answer keys)

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