The Sense of an Ending Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sense of an Ending Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What river does the Wobbly Bridge cross?
(a) The Nile.
(b) The Thames.
(c) The Trent.
(d) The Severn.

2. What does the narrator order for dinner at the pub when he goes on the third time he visits the pub in North London in Chapter 2?
(a) A slice of pizza.
(b) Chargilled hake with chips.
(c) A burger and french fries.
(d) Penne with gorgonzola and walnut sauce.

3. What kind of car does the narrator drive in Chapter 2?
(a) A Volkswagen Polo.
(b) A Ford Prius.
(c) A Jeep Wrangler.
(d) A Nissan Altima.

4. What contact information does the narrator receive for John Ford from Mrs. Marriott in Chapter 2?
(a) His phone number.
(b) His P.O. Box.
(c) His email address.
(d) His street address.

5. The narrator asserts in Chapter 2, "Someone once said that his favorite times in history were when things were collapsing, because that meant" what (198)?
(a) "Political upheaval."
(b) "An act of desperation."
(c) "Something new was being born."
(d) "Things were going to finally change."

6. Of the letter, the narrator says in Chapter 2, "And no, it wasn't shame I now felt, or guilt, but something rarer in my life and stronger than both" (187). What does the narrator describe feeling?
(a) Insolence.
(b) Retribution.
(c) Remorse.
(d) Regret.

7. Of England, the narrator says in Chapter 2, " this country shadings of class resist time longer than" what (138)?
(a) "Political agendas."
(b) "Popular culture."
(c) "Differentials in age."
(d) "Decades of reason."

8. What does the narrator wish Veronica had done with the letter he reads from the envelope she has given him in Chapter 2?
(a) Burned it.
(b) Kept it.
(c) Given it to Adrian.
(d) Given it to Mrs. Ford.

9. The narrator says in Chapter 2, "I don't envy Adrian his death, but I do envy him" what (197)?
(a) "His love for Veronica."
(b) "His ability to use logic."
(c) "His fame."
(d) "The clarity of his life."

10. From whom is the first letter to Adrian and Veronica that is in the envelope given to the narrator from Veronica in Chapter 2?
(a) From Mrs. Ford.
(b) From Mr. Ford.
(c) From the narrator.
(d) From Alex.

11. What word from Chapter 2 means having a tendency to become liquid?
(a) Deliquescent.
(b) Effervescent.
(c) Luminous.
(d) Arbitrary.

12. What composer does the narrator say "has gone the way of those geniuses who fascinate in youth, retain a residual power in middle age, but later seem, if not embarrassing, somehow less relevant" in Chapter 2 (115)?
(a) Chopin.
(b) Beethhoven.
(c) Bach.
(d) Tchaikovsky.

13. What did Veronica's mother take up after the death of her husband?
(a) Protesting.
(b) Gambling.
(c) Smoking.
(d) Drinking.

14. What word from Chapter 2 refers to resembling a satirical poem that often ends with a turn of thought?
(a) Epigrammic.
(b) Enigmatic.
(c) Articulate.
(d) Lipographic.

15. What two locations are linked by the Wobbly Bridge?
(a) Whitecastle and Newbury.
(b) St. Paul's and Tate Modern.
(c) Chislehurst and London.
(d) Hyde Park and Oxford Square.

Short Answer Questions

1. Terry tells the narrator at the pub in Chapter 2 that "Mary" is not Adrian's mother but what?

2. Of his personal solicitor the narrator says that he "is a calm, gaunt man who doesn't mind" what (132)?

3. What does the narrator describe Veronica having had a flask of when they went to see Severn Bore in Chapter 2?

4. What does Mrs. Marriott tell the narrator his other document is when he calls in Chapter 2?

5. What poet is the author alluding to in Chapter 2 when he refers to "the road less travelled" (246)?

(see the answer keys)

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