The Sellout Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Sellout Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Foy Cheshire reassign as the name of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
(a) Uncle Tom's Cabana.
(b) Uncle Jack's Highway.
(c) Uncle Tom's Condo.
(d) Uncle Terry's Cabin.

2. What does the narrator say is the "beauty of minstrelsy" in Chapter 15 (188)?
(a) Its irony.
(b) Its overt racism.
(c) Its satire.
(d) Its timelessness.

3. What magazine was King Cuz flipping through when the narrator sat next to him at the meeting of the Dum Dum Donut Intellectuals in Chapter 19?
(a) Life magazine.
(b) Lowrider magazine.
(c) New Yorker magazine.
(d) People magazine.

4. What character wrote the book Mick, Please: The Black Irish Journey from Ghetto to Gaelic?
(a) King Cuz.
(b) Jon McJones.
(c) Foy Cheshire.
(d) Jean Piaget.

5. What does the narrator say the best apples taste like in Chapter 18?
(a) Watermelons.
(b) Oranges.
(c) Peaches.
(d) Candy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator refer to Hominy as he accompanied him in driving around town in Chapter 20?

2. How does the narrator translate "Cogito, ergo Boogieum" to English in Chapter 14 (183)?

3. What did Foy Cheshire retitle The Great Gatsby as?

4. By what name does the narrator say he calls his marijuana in Chapter 11?

5. What did Hominy call the opposite of white flight in Chapter 12 (170)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What emotional disorder does the narrator tell the court he likely has?

2. How does the narrator respond to the autographed book he receives in Chapter 19? What is the book?

3. How is the narrator's satsuma tree employed as a symbol in the novel?

4. Where does the narrator describe his father taking him in order to show him that racism still exists?

5. How does Foy Cheshire respond to the signs announcing the establishment of Wheaton Academy?

6. What does the apple tree symbolize in Chapter 18?

7. What is burned at the ending of Career Day at Chaff Middle School? Why?

8. Who is Jon McJones and where does the narrator encounter him?

9. How does the narrator respond to Hominy's suggestions for new class systems in Dickens in Chapter 18?

10. Why have the three cities that Dickens matched with refused to be sister cities?

(see the answer keys)

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