The Selfish Gene Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Selfish Gene Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What response does Dawkins give to the idea that birth control is wrong because it's unnatural?
(a) That birth regulation is an evolutionary adaptation.
(b) That feeding the poor is also unnatural.
(c) That human lifestyle is completely unnatural.
(d) That birth regulation is a survival instinct.

2. What does Wynne-Edwards suggest that animals do to communicate overpopulation?
(a) Eat a communal meal in an area of limited food.
(b) Leave measurable tracks in a common area.
(c) Gather together in a clear area where they are easily seen.
(d) Gather together and make a lot of noise.

3. To what does Dawkins attribute changes to female mice as the population rises?
(a) Group selection.
(b) Random variation within groups.
(c) Random variation in individuals.
(d) Natural selection of individuals.

4. Does Dawkins believe people want to view parental care as different from other evolutionary behaviors?
(a) No, but Dawkins believes that parental care is a special case.
(b) Yes, he believes people want to consider parental care a special case.
(c) No, Dawkins believes people can clearly see that parental care fits with evolutionary forces.
(d) Yes, but only as it applies to mother-child relationships..

5. To what does Wynne-Edwards attribute changes to female mice as the population rises?
(a) Random variation within groups.
(b) Natural selection of individuals.
(c) Random variation in individuals.
(d) Group selection.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Wynne-Edwards believe about territories that animals fight over?

2. What ant behavior does Dawkins give as an example of seemingly altruistic behavior?

3. What does PI stand for?

4. What happens to cuckoo eggs that look dissimilar to the host eggs they replace?

5. In sexual reproduction, what does the larger egg cell have that the smaller sperm cell does not?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Dawkins substitute for survival of a species?

2. What examples does Dawkins give of male animals resisting raising offspring that's not their own?

3. According to Dawkins, what selfish behavior might birds that have fewer eggs because of overpopulation exhibit?

4. What is the cuckoo's adaptation to care for its eggs?

5. What two possible explanations for the behavior of the baby swallow observed by the Spanish researchers does Dawkins present?

6. What possible explanation for viruses does Dawkins give?

7. What may happen to guillemot eggs, and what is the adaptation of guillemots to deal with this?

8. When and why are gulls' offspring in danger?

9. According to Dawkins, in what ways does weaning benefit an older child?

10. How do Trivers and Dawkins differ in their interpretation of males investing energy into offspring before mating?

(see the answer keys)

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