The Secret Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Tana French
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Tana French
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 17, what did McKenna start to keep the girls busy?
(a) Movie.
(b) Singalong.
(c) Chess tournament.
(d) Board games.

2. In Chapter 25 what does Gemma say she was getting from the groundskeeper who sold drugs?
(a) Sleeping pills.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) Weight loss drugs.
(d) Nausea medication.

3. In Chapter 22, how many times did Gemma say that Joanne texted Chris and he never answered her?
(a) 8.
(b) 11.
(c) 10.
(d) Around 15.

4. What did Holly remember in Chapter 24 that Selena wanted to be after school?
(a) Journalism.
(b) Science.
(c) Sociology.
(d) Artist.

5. How much did Joanne charge Alison for the phone she sold her?
(a) 50 quid.
(b) 40 quid.
(c) 60 quid.
(d) 30 quid.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who helped Becca get the photos back on her phone?

2. How is Holly wearing her hair in Chapter 23?

3. What color shirt did Chris wear to the Valentine's dance in Chapter 14?

4. Where does Julia sit and watch Finn walk away in Chapter 20?

5. How did Gemma usually get to school?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 24, what did Julia realize about Chris and his relationship with Selena?

2. When did Chris stop texting Joanne?

3. What did Chris say about his sister?

4. In Chapter 19, what did Alison say that she saw Holly do?

5. In Chapter 22, who talked to Julia on the bus, and what did they discuss?

6. What does Selena say she figured out about her relationship with Chris after he died?

7. In Chapter 25, what does Stephen learn from Gemma?

8. What does McKenna threaten to do if Conway and Stephen do not leave in Chapter 15, and how does Conway get to stay at the school?

9. What does Conway tell Stephen after speaking to Frank Mackey alone?

10. In Chapter 14, what did Selena ask Miss Long to do and why?

(see the answer keys)

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