The Secret Lives of Church Ladies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Deesha Philyaw
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Lives of Church Ladies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Deesha Philyaw
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the girl in “Peach Cobbler” always have for dinner at her house?
(a) TV dinners.
(b) Frozen pizza.
(c) Frozen burritos.
(d) Chinese takeout.

2. What do Trevor and the girl begin to do at the beginning of each tutoring session in “Peach Cobbler”?
(a) Watch MTV.
(b) Go over his homework.
(c) Gossip.
(d) Make out.

3. What Is one of the things Eula tells Caroletta she plans to do to try to find a husband?
(a) Let her mother fix her up with somebody.
(b) Join the church singles softball team.
(c) Go on a blind date.
(d) Sign up for a dating app.

4. What grade were Eula and her friend in when they first met?
(a) 2nd.
(b) 10th.
(c) 5th.
(d) 8th.

5. Where are Trevor’s parents the first time he and Olivia make love in “Peach Cobbler”?
(a) Visiting his sick aunt.
(b) The movies.
(c) Church.
(d) A restaurant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nichelle say her grandmother would like to know at the end of her letter in "Dear Sister"?

2. What does Leelee say about the space her mother has for her in her life?

3. In "Dear Sister," who do the girls ask to find out who their other sister is after Miss Margaret mentions her?

4. What does Caroletta make for Eula for her 31st birthday dinner?

5. What does the little girl’s mother do with the peach cobbler if the pastor does not show up on Monday?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the little girl feel when her mother and the pastor always leave her room laughing?

2. How long have Eula and Caroletta been meeting at a hotel to celebrate New Year’s Eve?

3. How does Caroletta feel when Eula asks her if she wants to die a virgin?

4. What do the woman and man in “Not-Daniel” have in common?

5. What example does the letter writer use to show Jackie how her sisters are “the best sisters you could ask for” (34)?

6. What are Rhonda and Leelee doing to get ready for work at the beginning of “Snowfall”?

7. How does Olivia feel after the first time she and Trevor are intimate in “Peach Cobbler”?

8. How does Olivia feel after seeing the picture of Trevor and his girlfriend at the prom at the end of “Peach Cobbler”?

9. What does Eula say regarding Valentine’s Day, and how does it make Caroletta feel?

10. What do Rhonda and Leelee typically do on snowy days?

(see the answer keys)

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