The Secret Lives of Church Ladies Test | Final Test - Easy

Deesha Philyaw
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Lives of Church Ladies Test | Final Test - Easy

Deesha Philyaw
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Mother believe is visiting her that day and every day in “When Eddie Levert Comes”?
(a) Rico.
(b) Eddie Levert.
(c) Bruce.
(d) Her dead husband.

2. In "How to Make Love to A Physicist," what does Lyra’s therapist encourage her to stop wearing after Lyra deletes Eric’s number for the second time?
(a) Underwear.
(b) A bra.
(c) Stockings.
(d) Girdles.

3. What does Jael call Sadie’s husband?
(a) Old Rev.
(b) Church.
(c) Old dude.
(d) God.

4. What group was Eddie Levert the lead singer of?
(a) Eddie and the Cruisers.
(b) The Temptations.
(c) The O’Jays.
(d) The Four Tops.

5. When did Granny decide to stop taking Jael to church?
(a) When she found it too difficult to wake her for church.
(b) When she saw Jael fall asleep during a sermon.
(c) When she noticed her and Sadie smile at each other.
(d) When Jael started skipping school.

6. After Granny reads Jael’s journal, what does she say she does not want living under her roof?
(a) A lesbian.
(b) An abomination.
(c) A sinner.
(d) A child.

7. What is the first heading in “Instructions for Married Christian Husbands”?
(a) About Me.
(b) Your Arrival.
(c) The Basics.
(d) Health and Wellness.

8. What does the woman say the man must remember to do before he leaves in of “Instructions for Married Christian Husbands”?
(a) Shower.
(b) Text his wife.
(c) Kiss her.
(d) Put his wedding ring back on.

9. What department store does the narrator’s mother say she bought clothes from at the start of “When Eddie Levert Comes”?
(a) JC Penney.
(b) TJ Maxx.
(c) Marshall Field’s.
(d) Macy’s.

10. What does Daughter tell her mother she wishes she would do if she really remembers her in “When Eddie Levert Comes”?
(a) Tell her she loves her.
(b) Call her by her real name.
(c) Hug her.
(d) Apologize for being so hard on her as a kid.

11. Where did Mother once meet Eddie Levert as evidenced by a photo in their family album?
(a) Backstage at a concert.
(b) A family reunion.
(c) Church.
(d) Her wedding.

12. What does Jamie call Jael when she passes his house?
(a) Queen Jael.
(b) Bull dagger.
(c) Lovely - J.
(d) Pretty Girl.

13. Why does Granny not hear the large booming sound she describes toward the end of “Jael”?
(a) The TV is too loud.
(b) She is at church.
(c) She is out of town.
(d) She has taken sleeping pills and is sound asleep.

14. How does Granny say she and her family have alway chosen baby names?
(a) By assigning each name a number an rolling a dice.
(b) By choosing randomly from the Bible.
(c) By praying for the right name.
(d) By pulling names from a hat.

15. On what day does the narrator say you make love to a physicist?
(a) Valentine’s Day.
(b) Christmas Day.
(c) Pi Day.
(d) On a snow day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the title of Lyra’s first solo art exhibit in "How to Make Love to A Physicist"?

2. What does Kachelle say to Jael after she says she does not believe in heaven?

3. What does the narrator of “Instructions for Married Christian Husbands” say will happen to his wife should she show up at her house?

4. What does Daughter do as soon as she gets into the car with Tony after leaving her mother in “When Eddie Levert Comes”?

5. How old is the man Jael says invited her and Kachelle to a crab boil at his house?

(see the answer keys)

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