The Secret Lives of Church Ladies Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Deesha Philyaw
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Lives of Church Ladies Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Deesha Philyaw
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through “How to Make Love to a Physicist” .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the writer in "Dear Sister" feel embarrassed about with regards to her mother having two children with Stetson?
(a) That the sister with whom she shares a mother is not very kind.
(b) That she is not as pretty as that sister.
(c) That her mother decided to be the same fool twice.
(d) That she is not as intelligent as that sister.

2. Why does the little girl think the man who visits her mother is God?
(a) Because that is what he tells her.
(b) Because her neighbor tells her he is God.
(c) Because that is what her mother yells when they are in the bedroom.
(d) Because that is what her mother tells her.

3. In “Peach Cobbler,” what is written on the paper the girl’s mother hands her one day after Pastor Neely had gone home?
(a) The name of her real father.
(b) The pastor’s phone number.
(c) The Neely’s address.
(d) Trevor’s cell number.

4. Why did Leelee and Rhonda move away from the South and to the northern city in which they currently live?
(a) Rhonda was going to med school there.
(b) Rhonda got a university job.
(c) Leelee got a university job.
(d) Leelee was going to med school there.

5. What did Leelee and Rhonda drink down South with tons of sugar in it?
(a) Sun tea.
(b) Iced Coffee.
(c) Lemonade.
(d) Koolaid.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old were Leelee and Rhonda when they met?

2. What does the girl’s mother in “Peach Cobbler” tell her she would do if she was smart when she finds her making peach cobbler?

3. What does the girl in “Peach Cobbler” imagine putting in the cobbler before giving it to the pastor?

4. Which of her sisters in "Dear Sister" does the writer assume cannot be pregnant because she gets Depo shots?

5. Why does the grandmother in "Dear Sister" think one of the girls is pregnant when they are staying with her before their father’s funeral?

(see the answer key)

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