The Secret History Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret History Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Richard go on Sunday night after Bunny's funeral when he is feeling particularly lonely?
(a) To the dorm meeting with Camilla.
(b) To his room to go to sleep.
(c) To the Rathskeller on campus.
(d) To dinner with Francis and Henry.

2. Where is Charles' apartment located?
(a) In North Hampden.
(b) In South Hampden.
(c) In the same building as Julian's.
(d) Next door to the college.

3. What does the letter Richard receives from Julian before Bunny's funeral tell him?
(a) Julian will be at the funeral with his students.
(b) Class will meet the following Monday.
(c) Julian will not be able to attend the funeral.
(d) The college is closed until further notice.

4. What does the college president say about Bunny?
(a) "He was a mystery to us all."
(b) "He was the spirit of the college."
(c) "He touched people's lives."
(d) "He was a brave man."

5. When Charles sees Richard on Sunday night, for what does he ask?
(a) Twenty dollars.
(b) Bunny's picture.
(c) Five dollars.
(d) The key to Richard's room.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news does Francis give Richard when he returns to Richard's room the night after they are drunk together?

2. What does Mr. Corcoran offer the group after his violent mood swing after they arrive at the house?

3. What do Henry and Richard find in their mailboxes during the week Bunny is presumed missing?

4. Why does Henry suggest they call Marion and confirm that no one has seen Bunny for three days?

5. What game does the group play while Charles and Cloke go to Bunny's dorm room?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Charles and Francis argue about the day before the funeral? Of what does Richard feel this and the other arguments among the group members is symptomatic?

2. What does Camilla reveal to Richard about her brother after she has moved out of the apartment she shares with Charles? How does Richard respond?

3. What does the doctor in the emergency room recommend for Francis? Why? What does Francis tell Henry about his childhood?

4. How does Richard's behavior change after the discovery of Bunny's body?

5. How do Bunny's friends at school respond to his death? What do they think happened to him?

6. What information does Cloke provide that causes the members of the group to realize the focus of the investigation might shift away from any suspicion being directed at them?

7. Why is Charles arrested during the month following Bunny's murder? Why is Henry concerned about this?

8. What happens to the main characters at the climax of the story?

9. How do the group members relate to each other following Bunny's funeral? Why does Richard think they are all reacting this way?

10. In the days before the funeral, what captures the attention of Bunny's family the most? Why are they concerned, and what does their concern confirm for Richard about Bunny's family?

(see the answer keys)

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