The Secret History Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret History Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what word do Prof. Morrow and Richard have a short conversation?
(a) Pythagoras.
(b) Psychology.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Achilles.

2. When he cannot find any of his friends and begins to worry, who does Richard call to ask for Francis?
(a) Francis' mother.
(b) Charles.
(c) His parents.
(d) Henry.

3. What does Henry identify as the last straw of the bacchanal evening?
(a) Bunny cooks dinner and does not clean the kitchen.
(b) Bunny takes money out of Henry's hiding places to buy beer.
(c) Bunny falls asleep eating ice cream that then melted onto Henry's chair.
(d) Bunny steals Henry's keys and his car.

4. How does Dr. Roland reward Richard for his hard work during winter break?
(a) Offers him a letter of recommendation.
(b) Gives him a raise.
(c) Promotes him to another job.
(d) Gives him his own small office.

5. What does Richard realize when he is eating the back-to-school dinner alone in the commons?
(a) He dresses much poorer than most of the other students.
(b) He is very happy to be back at school.
(c) He is not certain he wants to remain at Hampden.
(d) He really is cut off from the rest of the school as Laforgue had said.

Short Answer Questions

1. What excuse does Henry give to Bunny for leaving the apartment when Bunny drops in after returning from Italy?

2. What does Henry catch Bunny doing when he wakes and sees Bunny sitting at his desk?

3. What are the two things Richard and his parents always fight about?

4. How does Richard find out about the warehouse accommodations?

5. What kind of car does Francis drive?

Short Essay Questions

1. Under what conditions does Prof. Morrow allow Richard to join his Greek class? How does Richard initially react? What does he decide to do?

2. What do Francis and Henry tell Richard about Bunny's behavior since the murder? How is Bunny treating the members of the group, and how are they responding?

3. Where do Henry and Bunny go for winter break? Why does Henry come home early? Where is Bunny?

4. When Henry comes to Richard to ask questions about dosages and chemicals, what does he tell Richard about his plan to solve the group's problem with Bunny? How does Richard respond?

5. How does Richard finally meet and speak to students in Professor Morrow's Greek class? How do the students respond to him?

6. Where did Richard grow up and spend his high school years? What do we know about his family? How does he feel about his family? His hometown?

7. After the bacchanal, the group members are worried about Bunny. Why?

8. Who is Judy Poovey? Where does Richard speak to her about Henry? What does Judy tell him about his new friend?

9. What does Richard learn about Henry during his lunch with Bunny? What happens at the end of the lunch? What does Richard learn about Bunny on the way home with Henry?

10. Richard engages in risky behavior for winter living, and his life begins to deteriorate. Why does this happen to Richard? Is he aware of the dangerous living situation he is in? Why does Richard refuse to ask for help?

(see the answer keys)

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